Diablo rework

Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
edited March 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
Can we get a rework on this guy? He is the absolute worst, and has 0 use.

933 hits as an r3 vs WS.


  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    not every champ is gonna be great
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    While I don't disagree with the OP, I can list off at least a dozen champs that are in a much bigger need of a rework. Absolutely outdated garbage with zero legitimate utility in the current meta.
    • Colossus
    • Cyclops (both)
    • Captain America
    • Hulkbuster
    • Groot
    • Joe Fixit
    • Miss Marvel (both MM and Kamala Khan)
    • Deadpool Xforce (especially since he's available as a 6*)
    • Falcon
    • Daredevil (both)
    • Iron Patriot
    • Blackbolt
    • Moonknight
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    axelelf_1 said:

    While I don't disagree with the OP, I can list off at least a dozen champs that are in a much bigger need of a rework. Absolutely outdated garbage with zero legitimate utility in the current meta.

    • Colossus
    • Cyclops (both)
    • Captain America
    • Hulkbuster
    • Groot
    • Joe Fixit
    • Miss Marvel (both MM and Kamala Khan)
    • Deadpool Xforce (especially since he's available as a 6*)
    • Falcon
    • Daredevil (both)
    • Iron Patriot
    • Blackbolt
    • Moonknight
    How is magneto not in this list?

    Agree w magneto.

    As well, many (if not all) of the guys listed would be able to take out WS in less hits at r3 than diablo. Especially those that has some kind of synergy available to make them better.

    Also, remove BB. I would like a rework but he's not close to top dog on the rework list w the Medusa synergy.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    is diablo no good on defence ?
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183

    is diablo no good on defence ?

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  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    Jestress said:

    He just came out. End of the line, pal.

    Believe me, I don't need him. My roster is deep enough. I just don't think anyone should be released that already needs reworked and is utterly useless in all aspects of the game.

  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 ★★★
    Question is, 4* rank 3 or 5* rank 3🤔
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    5*, duped twice
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Bwest289 said:

    5*, duped twice

    Ouch that must sting
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    Only because he's the only champ released over the past year + that is completely useless.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Hahahahahahahhahaahahhahahhahah. I thought you meant 4* R3. That’s a 5* R3, lololololol. What a joke.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    The_Boss9 said:

    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.

    Lol no matter where you bring him he’s pretty much useless. WS is just the easiest way to show their damage potential
    Not every champ is made to have a high damage potential
  • Bwest289Bwest289 Member Posts: 183
    Someone let me know what his legitimate use is..

    ...I'll wait
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    The_Boss9 said:

    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.

    Lol no matter where you bring him he’s pretty much useless. WS is just the easiest way to show their damage potential
    I can't say either way, as I don't have him. The point I'm making is there are many different applications in the game, and it takes time to get to know a Champ's uses and apply them. I've just never been behind the idea that you can take them into one Fight and judge that they're useless, based on that one Fight. It's one Match in ROL.
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  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019

    The_Boss9 said:

    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.

    Lol no matter where you bring him he’s pretty much useless. WS is just the easiest way to show their damage potential
    I can't say either way, as I don't have him. The point I'm making is there are many different applications in the game, and it takes time to get to know a Champ's uses and apply them. I've just never been behind the idea that you can take them into one Fight and judge that they're useless, based on that one Fight. It's one Match in ROL.
    We get your point. The OPs post and point(s) are likely not based on the one fight vs Winger solder since they actually have Diablo, unlike you. Yes, he is a new champ and it takes time to learn to use each hero to their full potential, but that doesn’t negate what the OP is posting about. Perhaps other Diablo owners can elaborate and point to a matchup where he excels.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    While I don't disagree with the OP, I can list off at least a dozen champs that are in a much bigger need of a rework. Absolutely outdated garbage with zero legitimate utility in the current meta.

    • Colossus
    • Cyclops (both)
    • Captain America
    • Hulkbuster
    • Groot
    • Joe Fixit
    • Miss Marvel (both MM and Kamala Khan)
    • Deadpool Xforce (especially since he's available as a 6*)
    • Falcon
    • Daredevil (both)
    • Iron Patriot
    • Blackbolt
    • Moonknight
    Imo i think joe fixit should be a 5* first before he gets buffed as theres no point in buffing a champ thats only available as a 4* and lower
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    My list was a quick and dirty spitball of champs that came to mind at the time. Completely agree that Magneto (both) should be there, and that any re-worked champ should be available as a 5* and/or 6*.

    And to be fair, I am starting to like BB's damage output on his own without Medusa. I recently pulled him as a 6* and he's a decent option for the poison path in AQ Map 5. I run him with Luke and Iceman as an "immunity" team to run either path 1 (bleed) or 8 (poison).
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    MikeHock said:

    The_Boss9 said:

    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.

    Lol no matter where you bring him he’s pretty much useless. WS is just the easiest way to show their damage potential
    I can't say either way, as I don't have him. The point I'm making is there are many different applications in the game, and it takes time to get to know a Champ's uses and apply them. I've just never been behind the idea that you can take them into one Fight and judge that they're useless, based on that one Fight. It's one Match in ROL.
    We get your point. The OPs post and point(s) are likely not based on the one fight vs Winger solder since they actually have Diablo, unlike you. Yes, he is a new champ and it takes time to learn to use each hero to their full potential, but that doesn’t negate what the OP is posting about. Perhaps other Diablo owners can elaborate and point to a matchup where he excels.
    Oh, I see. So you think I shouldn't comment, just because I don't have him.
    Perhaps you think this is the first time we've had a discussion about how a Champ is useless, shortly after their release. It is not.
    I was not trying to argue the OP's findings. However, useless can also be relative to what you're applying them to, hence my point. It takes more than just one or two Fights to get to know a Champ and what they're good for. There's a common mistake made that involves taking them into a WS Fight, and judging their usefulness based on how many Hits it takes to down him. That doesn't factor in much of anything in terms of how to apply their full potential. Some Champs operate differently, and some are much more useful for Defense than Offense. I believe it's worth pointing out that it takes a good amount of time to become familiar with a Champ, and it also requires applying them in a number of different scenarios, not just one Fight. It's worth noting.
    By all means, feel free to keep reiterating that I don't have him. I've already established that. Bottom line is, people are too quick to judge, and have a tendency to be overly-critical. If they're not immediately OP, or have mechanics that require amping them up, they're labelled useless. I don't share the same limited point of view. I can say that if I like. I prefer a more thorough approach to exploring Champs.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    I don't take it personally. That doesn't mean I can't tell when it was intended as such.
  • MbizzMbizz Member Posts: 215 ★★

    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.

    If it takes 900 hits vs ROL WS, how many hits is it going to take in any other “part of the game”?

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Mbizz said:

    I'll never understand how people take a Champ into one Fight, within one part of the game, and come to the conclusion that they're useless.

    If it takes 900 hits vs ROL WS, how many hits is it going to take in any other “part of the game”?

    There are more applications for Champs than just one Fight in ROL. For example, Diablo is useful for larger Questing Maps like EQ or Story, since he has sustainability through his L1. Pair him up with Synergies for extra Buffs per Quest. He's also more useful against Poison Champs. There are more ways to optimize a Champ than just taking them into one Fight in ROL. How that became the norm for testing, I'll never know. It's also worth noting that he may have lower Damage, but that has to balance out his Regen capabilities. Can't have a Champ that has everything, something needs to be a balancing factor. The point I was making is there's a great deal more to seeing the extent to what a Champ is capable of than just one Fight. Just because they're not straight Damage Dealers doesn't mean they're useless.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I just prefer to allow some months to go by before drawing such conclusions. I felt the same way about Carnage. I gave it time before I realized he could use a rework. I tend to read the Spotlight and think of applications with an open mind, rather than rush into one aspect and base my judgment on one Fight. Takes time to really see the results of how useful they are. I don't really draw the "useless" conclusion without significant time and study.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, if you haven't already, please take a moment to share any Champion improvement suggestions you may have in THIS discussion. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one.
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