Hacked Accounts

@Kabam Miike Please do not close right away, just looking for some REAL help and not an automated response. I tried logging in and received a ban message and I honestly do not know why. I don't grind the arena and I have all the receipts of recent purchases so the only thing I can think is that my account has been hacked. If you look at my roster and progress you'll see that everything I've done is 100% legit. I'm honestly asking because I've been playing this game everyday for almost 4 years without changing what I do and I'm just really confused. If you could answer or if you want my e-mail to help me with this I would greatly appreciate it. Like I said, I'm just looking for a human response, clarification, and help as I'm really confused.
Thank you for your time and understanding,
Thank you for your time and understanding,
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