Ghost Rider - Should get Buffed

1st of all greetings to MCOC team. You guys doing an awesome job. I attached 3 pictures, don't know if they will appear. I would like draw your attention about something logical & unfair at the same time.
Champion : Ghost Rider
Abilities (now) : Bleed, Regeneration
Immunity to bleed.
Requesting Changes :
**** (one of the most infamous Lovin charecter of Marvel universe)
Logic :
1- a hit by a flammable iron chain should cause bleed & incenerate at the same time. So now rider's attack 5 hit light combo cause bleed.
My request is that 5 hit light attack combo should cause incenerate (It's a flaming chain)
2- a flammable skaleton charecter should be immune to incenerate & coldsnap. ( He is the gatekeeper of underworld, the legend feared by entire marvel universe)
He should be the incenerate God.
*** According to the comic storyline Ghost Rider & Hyperion are Beyond GOD tier character. Human torch doesn't come near these two in terms of incenerate ability.
3- act on Rage & Fury! Rider doesn't get hurt. He gets pushed & he gets up literally like 'undertaker' . His Regeneration should trigger every single 5 hit combo. And his heavy attack should be unstoppable like kingpin. & Should cause heal block. (Guys is a flaming skeleton)
4- His spacial 2 attack should be unblockble. & His spacial 1 & spacial 2 should - Drain Power, lock power instantly. Not slowly.
A 5 hit combo followed by Spacial 3 should cause internal bleed & stun & heal block.
5- Starting from his light attack to heavy attack to combo and Spacial attacks all of them should be 100% critical. (It's a flaming iron chain from hell) & all of his light attacks should cause bleed like gwenpool has sword & rider has a "FLAMING IRON" chain.
This slight changes can give justice to one of the most powerful & infamous character of Marvel. KABAM did an amazing job designing his animation & techniques. Hand down great job guys.
But just this points are valid, if you think about it. Just a little logical buff can make him so awesome to play with. & I am sure you will be getting lot's of praise from your gamer's community.
Thank You.
If u like my suggestions please do like this post. So we can Atleast draw the team's attention.
This discussion has been closed.
Second of all, don't mind will-o-wisp, he's a bit the forum grinch.
Third of all, I agree with 1 & 2, but not 3 till 5. Ghost Rider is already a very potent champion. He doesn't need large buffs. I think he should incinerate and be incinerate/coldsnap/frostbite immune. Maybe give his judgements some degen. But that's all.
As this was already discussed easily more than 100 times (use the search option next time, instead of spamming another thread of it), he isn't incinerate immune in this game. Just because he has some kind of fire visual on him doesn't mean he is immune to the damage of other fires caused by other user
And i have a free 2 play account. What i like is good story & comics. Weather it's marvel or dc. But If u think GR is not supposed to be incinerate/coldsnap/frostbite immune. I don't agree buddy.
Read the comics. Guy is 1 of the best crafted character. Practically over powered.
If u don't think my logic is right. No issue.
It doesn't happen on the Marvel Universe itself. It doesn't happen in the comics Universe or the MCU.
It takes inspiration on both real world and marvel universe, and happens in a different universe while having it's own rules and laws.
Let's say, he is immune in the comics. Or even in the MCU. That doesn't make him immune in another universe or so, so it means almost nothing.
This is probably something hard to understand for someone that is a fan of the comics or movies, and doesn't have experience about other fictional worlds and stories. I can say that someone that creates fire, manipulates it's fire, doesn't take damage from it's own fire and is even able to eat fire from other sources besides it's own, doesn't make that character completely immune to fire.
Actually i think that little bit of buff can make him fun to play with.
Cause you know there are abilities like
GP & Corvus - they don't die if their health drops to 1%
So may be give him a slight buff. Like what colonaut123 said.
& Let's just agree GR against human torch right now is absolute suicide. Which is a joke and a total disgrace And people who knows marvel comics knows GR 's. Standard.
Or may be i am guessing wrong.
Listen i agree with what u r saying. That this game has it's own universe. But if kabam can design the characters according to MCU movies. (I mean there's 2 vision)
& Plenty of other things. people got frustrated how poorly they designed SENTRY.
So Asking for GR's 1 of the most basic abilities. That's nothing the game is full of bugs & a lot of things doesn't seems right.
& Bdw why wouldn't i understand man. This is a forum. Sure we complain but we play the game too. And all of us should be open to suggestions & sharing their own views.
So cheers. If u don't agree then it's fine.
I think that he should get little buffed - cause new champs are coming in hot. & These OG gods are falling behind in terms of damage output & buff cause they are not really how kabam portrait them.
Just wanted to explain that GR shouldn't necessarily need to be immune to incineration. He is if the creators want him to be, since in this case it can go for both ways, but not go obligatory for one.
Still, this was already discussed hundred of times, and MOD's even commented that they won't make him incinerate immune because he shouldn't be.
But you know i think Kabam will bring a GR - remodeled new GR. Like they did with Magneto (marvel now)
Right now i posted a photo of current Ruder. With different look.
And then there's "cosmic ghost rider"
I think if kabam will introduce a new rider.
Vote for whichever u prefer.
U can find the poll on my account - "Request a new GR or buff the old GR"