
Last week i got bunned for no reason. I meat a player ToroSiciliano who,at last,came in my guild. Looking him playing,made me think that something was wrong,infact he was hacking (i think i still do). I talk to him and deleted from the guild cause i cant accept this. But i think he got angry,cause few hours later i got banned. Can you pls explain why? Im honest and i was doing the best reporting  a guy who was 100% hacking but it’s me who got banned(?). Now pls, Im asking you to unban my account cause is insane to be banned like this.


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    The forums are not the place to discuss actions taken on individual accounts, including bans, though we can say that you wouldn't have gotten banned from removing someone from your alliance. If you have more questions about bans, you can find more information here.
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