Dieskrad-Original MCoC Character Design

Dieskrad is one of many of my OG characters. He has many powers and has extremly tough armour.
Bio: Born with his powers, Dieskrad defended his planet from an alien attack, but the planet was destroyed. He killed the entire alien species, and contiues to look for the perfect planet to live on. Earth.
Class: Universal/Cosmic
Abilities: Persistant Charge
Omega Armour
Omega Immunities
Plasma Charge
Undying Strength
Stats: Attack-High
Crit Rate-High
Perfect Block-High
Passive-Persistant Charge: Everytime Dieskrad defeats an opponent, he gains a charge (max:5). During a fight, Dieskrad can dash back and hold block for 3 seconds, cosuming a charge and regenerates 20% health instantly.
Passive-Omega Armour: Dieskrads armour is extremly tough, making all attack reduce their damage by half and all critical hits by 75%. This armour grants immunities to bleed, posin, shock, incinerate, taunt, concussion, coldsnap, and frostbite. This armour can be broken, removing immunities and resistants for 60 sec with 6 armour breaks.
Passive-Plasma Charge: All plasma hits are gaurenteed critical hits.
First and Second medium, 3rd light, Heavy attack (2 hits).
Passive-Undying Strength: Dieskrad gets stronger when he losses health.
When below 90%-Gains a permanent Fury Buff, increasing attack by 500.
80%-Plasma Charge becomes 20% stronger.
70%-Grants a permanent True Strike buff, stopping opponents from evading and auto-blocking.
60%-Plasma Charge becomes 30% stronger (total:50%).
50%-Specials have a 30% chance to stun for 5 seconds.
40%-Power rate is increased by 15%
30%-Plasma Charge becomes 50% stronger (total:100%)
20%-All specials are unstopable. Grants a 5 sec unstopable buf after special is over.
10%-All specials are unblockable
5%-When Dieskrad is hit, he gains indestuctablility for 10 seconds. Cooldown is 20 seconds. Must be hit to activate again.
If Dieskrad heals, he will lose abilities gained. He must remain below x% to keep that ability(s).
Special 1 (3 hits): Dieskrad lifts up 2 bolders from the ground via telekinesis, throws them, and punches the opponent with plasma
Gaurenteed Critical Hit
Special 2 (4 hits): Dieskrad punches the opponent twice, kicks them, then makes a wave of plasma.
3 Gaurenteed Critical Hits
Special 3 (6 hits): Dieskrad engulves himself in plasma, uppercutting the opponent into space. He flies with them and hits them into the moon. He uses telekinesis to throw them towards the sun. He shoots a plasma beam that drives them right into the sun. He ruturns to Earth.
Gaurennteed to do 2000 direct damage (plasma hits) and normal attack damage.
Sig Ability: Dieskrad keeps his abilities even after healing above the Undying Strength Percentage.
Increases stun durration to 6 seconds. Max sig is 7 seconds.
Strengths: Anyone who can evade/autoblock will be easily stopped.
Immunities will create problems for many champs.
Armour will not be a problem for Dieskrad because of plasma charges.
Weaknesses: anyone who can stack armour creaks fast (Medusa, Sentinel, Captain Marvel MCU)
No Synergies
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Bio: Born with his powers, Dieskrad defended his planet from an alien attack, but the planet was destroyed. He killed the entire alien species, and contiues to look for the perfect planet to live on. Earth.
Class: Universal/Cosmic
Abilities: Persistant Charge
Omega Armour
Omega Immunities
Plasma Charge
Undying Strength
Stats: Attack-High
Crit Rate-High
Perfect Block-High
Passive-Persistant Charge: Everytime Dieskrad defeats an opponent, he gains a charge (max:5). During a fight, Dieskrad can dash back and hold block for 3 seconds, cosuming a charge and regenerates 20% health instantly.
Passive-Omega Armour: Dieskrads armour is extremly tough, making all attack reduce their damage by half and all critical hits by 75%. This armour grants immunities to bleed, posin, shock, incinerate, taunt, concussion, coldsnap, and frostbite. This armour can be broken, removing immunities and resistants for 60 sec with 6 armour breaks.
Passive-Plasma Charge: All plasma hits are gaurenteed critical hits.
First and Second medium, 3rd light, Heavy attack (2 hits).
Passive-Undying Strength: Dieskrad gets stronger when he losses health.
When below 90%-Gains a permanent Fury Buff, increasing attack by 500.
80%-Plasma Charge becomes 20% stronger.
70%-Grants a permanent True Strike buff, stopping opponents from evading and auto-blocking.
60%-Plasma Charge becomes 30% stronger (total:50%).
50%-Specials have a 30% chance to stun for 5 seconds.
40%-Power rate is increased by 15%
30%-Plasma Charge becomes 50% stronger (total:100%)
20%-All specials are unstopable. Grants a 5 sec unstopable buf after special is over.
10%-All specials are unblockable
5%-When Dieskrad is hit, he gains indestuctablility for 10 seconds. Cooldown is 20 seconds. Must be hit to activate again.
If Dieskrad heals, he will lose abilities gained. He must remain below x% to keep that ability(s).
Special 1 (3 hits): Dieskrad lifts up 2 bolders from the ground via telekinesis, throws them, and punches the opponent with plasma
Gaurenteed Critical Hit
Special 2 (4 hits): Dieskrad punches the opponent twice, kicks them, then makes a wave of plasma.
3 Gaurenteed Critical Hits
Special 3 (6 hits): Dieskrad engulves himself in plasma, uppercutting the opponent into space. He flies with them and hits them into the moon. He uses telekinesis to throw them towards the sun. He shoots a plasma beam that drives them right into the sun. He ruturns to Earth.
Gaurennteed to do 2000 direct damage (plasma hits) and normal attack damage.
Sig Ability: Dieskrad keeps his abilities even after healing above the Undying Strength Percentage.
Increases stun durration to 6 seconds. Max sig is 7 seconds.
Strengths: Anyone who can evade/autoblock will be easily stopped.
Immunities will create problems for many champs.
Armour will not be a problem for Dieskrad because of plasma charges.
Weaknesses: anyone who can stack armour creaks fast (Medusa, Sentinel, Captain Marvel MCU)
No Synergies
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This is just for fun. I create comics and play adventures with my brother using characters.
Dieskrad is my strongest character.
...but, doesn't Bizzaro World already have a claim on that?