Fixes for Ebony Maw opponets
Ultron was just updated to allow for him to be able to fight Maw. This would seem to indicate unwinnable matches weren't intended.
Since a fix just got put in to allow for Ultron against Maw. Can some of the other champs who are completely hosed against Maw have some type of saving mechanic to avoid unwinnable matches.
Such as elektra, will never land a hit on Maw once he is below 15% health.
Or Corvus who requires 500(not an exact figure just rough estimate, trolls feel free not to debate number) light hits to kill him
Since a fix just got put in to allow for Ultron against Maw. Can some of the other champs who are completely hosed against Maw have some type of saving mechanic to avoid unwinnable matches.
Such as elektra, will never land a hit on Maw once he is below 15% health.
Or Corvus who requires 500(not an exact figure just rough estimate, trolls feel free not to debate number) light hits to kill him
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The bug with Ultron was that on his 5th hit, he gets a guaranteed crit and a "miss" wouldn't reset the counter. This means he was perpetually stuck on the 5th hit, which would in turn always miss. Presumably, the fix is to allow the "miss" to count in order to start the counter over. I haven't tested, but it sounds like every 5th hit from Ultron will still miss. The fix sounds logical in this scenario.
What do you propose for the Elektra situation? In theory, she could still stun him and hit him below 15% thanks to her ability accuracy reduction when debuffs are present (this needs testing). This becomes an issue if Maw is ever debuff immune, but I'm not sure I can think of a scenario where this situation would completely stonewall me.
In other words, additional nodes could make him unbeatable by Elektra, but this isn't new. There are plenty of champ/node combinations that would make certain matchups unwinnable by some champs. But in a straight duel or arena match, assuming Elektra's AAR works as it should, this is not an unwinnable situation.
The long-winded question boils down to this: what do you propose as a solution?
Essentially, it's a guaranteed critical hit, but it's not translated as a 100% critical chance.
But, would making Corvus use a charge on a miss, which could help him out fighting Maw, potentially hurt in other fights. I have a feeling if they do this, he would lose a charge in other fights whenever he doesn't land an attack and waste charges faster. Unless it only happens on a "miss", then maybe only affected when missing Ghosts phase, Hood invisibility or Maw. The way they implement some of these "fixes" seem to always trickle down and affect other things at the same time.
To say it's broken and intended is contradictory. Great, more of your semantics games.
Got it you feel they fixed something that wasnt broken. You love the idea of this mechanic.
New discussion here. This has to do with their acknowledgemnt it want right and they made an adjustmet.
Common sense dictates if they fixed it, it was broken. If its broke the fix should apply to others.
I know you consider it balance and natural progression. Others dont.
Elektra is questionable. That doesn't make every Champ affected by it bugged.
And rhetorical questions aside. They fixed Ultron without even acknowledging it as a bug until after the fix. Hope that can be applied to ohers
So yet again, agree to diagree.