Sensational Synergies - A Community Discussion



  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 210
    the synergy i've been using a lot and enjoy is the mephisto and symbiote supreme synergy
  • AkashnarangA1098765AkashnarangA1098765 Member Posts: 4
  • danpower92003danpower92003 Member Posts: 16
    Night Thrasher and Cyclops are really good. But my favourite is Venom and Heimdall with their unique ones
  • JC2018JC2018 Member Posts: 15
    Quake + Nick Fury, which gives everyone on the team 3 evades and helps with Quake safely charging her heavy attack. The evades can make mistakes much less costly.

    For Thanos in this month’s EV, I used Quake + Nick Fury + Hulk + Heimdall + Thor Rags, which gave Hulk 3 evades and 2 periods of invulnerability.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    JC2018 said:

    Quake + Nick Fury, which gives everyone on the team 3 evades and helps with Quake safely charging her heavy attack. The evades can make mistakes much less costly.

    For Thanos in this month’s EV, I used Quake + Nick Fury + Hulk + Heimdall + Thor Rags, which gave Hulk 3 evades and 2 periods of invulnerability.

    I've recently been using the Quake + Nick Fury combo for new Champions I've gotten and new bosses I've come across. It makes learning the ropes a bit safer. I still do like it for general use to, especially for certain Champs that don't have as much survivability on their own. I may also start using it with Hela so I can charge Fury buffs with her Heavy a bit more safely.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033

    An awesome synergy which is quite situational is the cap iw + stark spidey or vision which allows any tech champ to take on havok as it power drains on havoks specials, removing his plasma charges.

    That synergy is awesome even for non havok match ups as it allows so much more control in match ups like hyperion.

    I'll have to use that one; it's a creative solution to that match-up I hadn't thought about before.
  • TH3_STONETH3_STONE Member Posts: 56
    Loki.. hella ..ragsthor..diablo...heimdal (best for loki)
  • SyedSyed Member Posts: 25
    I always used my Ironman IW no synergy needed he got all what you need
    Power Control (check)
    Damage over time (check)
    Armour break (Check)
    Incinerate (check)
    Bleed immunity (check )*
    Cold snap immune (check) *
    Auto Block (check)
    Stun opponents (check)
    Best Mordo Counter ( check)
    Many more --------
    Try for yourself
    I got 2-3-4-5 Star of IMIW
  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Syed said:

    I always used my Ironman IW no synergy needed he got all what you need
    Power Control (check)
    Damage over time (check)
    Armour break (Check)
    Incinerate (check)
    Bleed immunity (check )*
    Cold snap immune (check) *
    Auto Block (check)
    Stun opponents (check)
    Best Mordo Counter ( check)
    Many more --------
    Try for yourself
    I got 2-3-4-5 Star of IMIW

    Agreed. I recently r4ed my IMIW and he's a utility god. I also use him to fight korgs while questing, he just makes it easy. Such a great defender and underrated offender.
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    3* Nick Fury before he was nerfed, GR for 5* blade, morningstar for 5* magik, 3* darkhawk for my 550 venom, and hiemdell always!
  • Sith_Lord_Revan1313Sith_Lord_Revan1313 Member Posts: 7
    Love my Omega Red + Wolvie + Sabertooth. Omega Red is already great, but those two synergies plus suicide masteries take OR to a whole different level.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    Something I found pretty recently was this team:

    Angela (main)
    Cap IW

    With these champs, we get the following synergies:
    +20% buff duration for Angela (Angela + Morningstar)
    +25% buff duration for Cosmic champions (Cap IW synergy with Gamora)
    +10% Fury and Precision potency (Gamora synergy with Angela)

    +45% buff duration! That's a lot!
    Angela has, at a base, has a 5% heal for every 10% health she loses. x1.15 to this healing from the Recovery mastery, and we get... 5*1.15*1.45=8.33% heal for every 10% health lost. That's 5/6 of the damage required to get a regen healed back from said regen. AND it also increases the duration of her other buffs, so you can pretty reasonably get more potency on a fury or two from that sp3 buff (whatever it's called).
    I mean I don't use it much, but if I get a 6* gamora and 5* Cap IW and Morningstar, I might find myself using it in normal questing. Probably with a different class again so that Cap IW can benefit from more effects from his awakened ability.
  • onebeyondallonebeyondall Member Posts: 70
    It will be good if we can Update our current one already. Many new synergy display are not updated.
  • ezgoingezgoing Member Posts: 284 ★★
    My main synergy use is the holy trinity which is so useful even though my blade is only 4*. Then Act 6 happened and I can’t use this synergy there. Thanks Kabam.

    I also awakened capIW for his utility in his synergies.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Another team that came into my attention today:

    Holy Trinity

    + Dormammu / Mephisto : Blade extends DS to all Mystics. If it's Mephisto, GR starts fight with a + 10% fury buff.
    + Hela: Hell Lords synergy with either Dorm / Meph, she starts the fight with 1 bar of power (if you fire immediately SP1 that's 1 fury buff) and each of the 2 mystics benefit as well.

  • sest22sest22 Member Posts: 933 ★★★
    I do not use sinegias. You must be a very excellent player or have most characters to be able to use them all in combat. I find it meaningful and many synergies are totally useless. most without mentioning the inequality that exists between them. from reviving and being indestructible and unstoppable to increasing disproportionately the damages or critical failures and incineration to only increase the master blockade. It is absurd and disproportionate. the synergies are only for a few players.
  • 5tarscream5tarscream Member Posts: 95
    Bishop + Storm/Electro/Dr Strange and Cyclops 32% power at the start of the fight, with the carry over power bar he can just spam specials for fun. It's like Hyperion.
    Loki/Rags The power gain to unblockable L2 or buff steal L1 is great.
    Rags/Hela the +10% heal on all kills is great outside of arenas.
    GR/Blade/Stark Spider-Man
    The Hood/Dormammu. 20% chance to survive being Ko'd.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033

    Love my Omega Red + Wolvie + Sabertooth. Omega Red is already great, but those two synergies plus suicide masteries take OR to a whole different level.

    I'm jealous of your team!
  • TheMitchTheMitch Member Posts: 20
    Favourite synergies are:
    -heimdall, thing, angela, the champion, thor
    -domino, red hulk, masacre, magneto and cyclopes
    -wasp, antman, ghost and two yellow jackets
    -stark enhanced spidey, blade, ghost rider, nick fury, goldpool
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Here's a good one.

    6* juggernaut
    6* Iron Fist
    6* DPX
    6* hulkbuster
    6* cyclops

    I call it the good luck with 6.2 synergy
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