No more 1/2s
So I've been pretty lucky w crashing and the like compared to what I read here daily but it still happens roughly twice a week over all game modes.
Today I got a nice surprise as it seems the 1/2 health penalty has been replaced by a straight ko LOL style. Wtf? Why wasn't this mentioned and why is it a thing?
Today I got a nice surprise as it seems the 1/2 health penalty has been replaced by a straight ko LOL style. Wtf? Why wasn't this mentioned and why is it a thing?
- Device type
- OS version
- Champions you've experienced this with
- Opponents you've experienced this with
- Game modes where you've seen this
And tell us that without this information they won't be able to reproduce the error.
If you have more crashes then you're straight KO penalized.
And the 1/2 health penalty is never for AQ and AW.
I wish your luck, I'm having one crash each two streaks.
I stopped grind the T1AC arena at 600k and now stopped the DS and Yondu Arena almost starting.
Ouch that sucks man I'm sorry. Guess I shouldn't complain too much about the occasional crash when some devices are near unplayable. I give you credit for tolerating it this long. I would not.
You have the right to complain, conformism is a bad habit that prevents us from improving.
What mode did you see this happen in? I don't think there's been a change made to the health loss penalty in any game modes, but I can find out!