Spyder-Knight (Earth-TRN458)

Peter Parker, better known by his townsfolk as Spyder-Knight is operating from York in Yorkshire, England, performing heroic acts with the aid of his wizard friend Merlyn.

The Spyder-Armor
This armor has a built in sword and crossbow for combat and a built in Web-Shooter that allows Spyder-Knight to web-sling.
The armor can't be pierced, but can be damaged by bullets.

Powers and Abilities
Spyder-Armor is a new in-game power for Spyder-Knight. When entering a battle, the Spyder-Armor will activate and act as a real armor (the opponent has to destroy the armor with bullets or armor break it in order to deal damage to Spyder-Knight. The armor's HP depends on what level/rank Spyder-Knight is.) When this power is active, Spyder-Knight will be bleed, shock, incinerate and stun immune. After the opponent breaks the armor, Spyder-Knight will be under the Armor Break debuff for the rest of the fight. (Like Iron Patriot)
Normal Abilities:
- 8 Evade points (Miles Morales-style evade). When entering a battle, Spyder-Knight will begin the fight with 8 Evade points and will gain 2 points each time the opponent uses a Special Attack. 80% chance of dodging arrows and laser beams (Hyperion, Cyclops, Hawkeye...) and 25% chance of dodging gunshots.
- Bleed and Precision. When Spyder-Knight uses his built in sword to attack, he has a chance of bleeding the opponent and when he uses his crossbow, Spyder-Knight has a 50% chance of triggering the Precision ability plus short-bleed the opponent.
- Weakness. This ability has a 50% chance of activating after performing the SP1, reducing the target's Attack by 45% for 5 seconds.

Special Abilities:
SP1: Royal Web-Slinger
When you have web in your eyes, you can't see punches or sword swings coming! (Spider-Man Classic SP1 animation, but with a few sword swings!)

SP2: Incoming!
Spyder-Knight web-slings towards the opponent shooting an arrow in midair causing the adversary to short-bleed.

SP3: I challenge you to a tourney!
Spyder-Knight calls his Spyder-Horse by whistling and performs a specific jump in order to mount it. The second after he lands, Spyder-Knight points his blade forward and commands the horse to run towards the opponent. Spyder-Knight's blade impales the adversary causing a strong bleed and armor break debuff.

Signature Ability
Friendly Medieval Spyder-Knight
This ability increases the likeliness of evading any type of attack by X%.

Because Spyder-Knight uses a crossbow and a bow, he should be a SKILL class.

- Web-Warriors: Synergy involves Spider-Man (Classic), Miles Morales and Agent Venom
Spyder-Knight: 10% more armor HP and critical damage.
Spider-Man (Classic): increase the chance of landing a critical hit by 15%.
Miles Morales: increase HP by 15% and start the fight with 2 additional Evade points.
Agent Venom: gain the ability of evading attacks. (15% chance of dodging gunshots/arrows and 20% chance of dodging laser beams)

- Archenemy: Synergy involves Doctor Octopus
Spyder-Knight: increase the chance of landing a critical hit by 10%.
Doctor Octopus: all abilities are 5% more effective.


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