Help. Was hacked or banned....

My account was banned and I am only getting an auto response from placing a ticket.
There must be some sort mistake or actions that I am unaware of. Please can my account be turned back before the so called violation. I do not know what happened. I must have been hacked or used while away for work, or some other mistake or mix up. Please look into my account history and see how loyally, long and honestly I have been playing MCoC. This doesn't make sense. I can not start over after almost 3 years and thousands of dollars put in to this account. Please don't just blanket ban me.
Please look into my account and see for yourself. There must be an explanation or mistake. I use no cheats. And for sure would not need to spend the hundreds of dollars I do every month in game if I did.
I love this game and community. There must be some sort of resolution for this. Thank you in advance for your time.

-X- DoX


  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Have you ever used your account on another device or does someone you know have access to your account?
  • TheDarkseidTheDarkseid Member Posts: 25
    When did they ban you, and what's your ign?
  • forse35forse35 Member Posts: 14
    I went out to the city of Gaziantep I went to the city of my friend and I do not understand that this is an account sharing of the wifi den link game.
    Everyone is talking about his account being taken. If there is such a thing, does not this game show that the safety is low?
    Who will give the account of my 3 years of gratification, I did not share the account, did not cheat anyone can not tell that it is not so hard to say that no one reads
    I would like to open my account
  • DoXDoX Member Posts: 5
    I tried to log in a few days ago. And opening screen says banned. My ign is -X- DoX
  • Darthmalice66Darthmalice66 Member Posts: 128
    Someone hacked my account is played out..
  • DoXDoX Member Posts: 5
    There is no ther explanation that I can see. Check my account. Time and money that is it. I have never even won a character from an arena grind. Haven't even finish 1 run through 5.2. Only basic 5* opened. For playing almost 3 years my account is mediocre at best compared to most with that much time in. There is now way one would say I hack or modd. Never mind if they look up my payment history. No hacker would be to paying this much in game. Please help Kabam.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    For once, we have what looks like a genuine person banned for no reason? If what they say is true

    Sure 1 or 2 are done my mistake, no more

    Good luck if your telling the truth matey, will be gutted if you turn out to be the same as all the rest that "forgot" sharing their accounts
  • WinterSoCoolWinterSoCool Member Posts: 17
    Kabam has to address issues like this. Kabam should be able to see your spending history. If you've spent thousands over three years, it's amazing that they'd lump you in with players with brand new accounts who use mods to beat RoL.

    At the very least, it's ridiculous that there's no recourse or communication allowed for players to discuss with Kabam. And if you are spending hundreds a month, you think they'd at least give you 5 minutes of customer service time. Heaven knows you've paid for it.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    I see shitload of modders in global chat. Nothing is done to them. I see genuine people get banned for no reason other than kabam logic. Not gonna say anything more or they might ban me.
  • TheDarkseidTheDarkseid Member Posts: 25
    It's not that. Modders make new accounts once banned. If you haven't noticed a serious decline in modders than you really need to play clearer attention...
  • DoXDoX Member Posts: 5
    I am not trying to start a kabam issue thread. I do believe they are doing a great job with the game and community. Just surprised I can not get anymore than an auto response. I justify the money I spend on this game with the thinking of this is more like a subscription game to get the most out of it. Worth the time and relaxation ask of the game. But would think I deserve more than an auto response to my submitted tickets.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Have you shared Account Information? They won't discuss actions taken on Accounts because this isn't the place to do it. Only Support can deal with it. However, if you've never used a Mod or Merc, my next guess would be Account Sharing.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    The main problem you have is the major lack of communication from anyone who can help you. They won't tell you what you did, I don't know why but I can venture a few guesses. I understand if we're talking about a third party but we're not. If you send a ticket all they'll tell you is that you broke TOS rules and give you a huge list of what kind of things you might have done. How can you defend yourself at that point? The answer is you can't, all you can do is provide all the info you can as to why you shouldn't be banned to support.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Have you shared Account Information? They won't discuss actions taken on Accounts because this isn't the place to do it. Only Support can deal with it. However, if you've never used a Mod or Merc, my next guess would be Account Sharing.

    They also don't give you a valid explanation from support. That's why I don't believe Kabam has a perfect system to check this. They have no transparency to the banned users to show them why it was done. Yes most of them are modders but I can't believe Kabam is perfect in verifying. Why wouldn't Kabam share the proof with the banned parties?
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    First off no you were not hacked, I don't think people understand what hackers do and why. People who hack whether it be for fun or for serious crimes would not be going around hacking accounts and completing quests.People who hack for fun and can actually hack into someone's email is not hacking MCOC. 95% of people who hack just for fun and do it because they are interested on what they can find is on the deep and dark web not trolling through emails linked to MCOC accounts. Real criminal hackers if they got your email would not be trolling your MCOC account they would be getting your paypal, apple store, game store and other personal information. They would try to leave as little traceof their existence as possible so modding your account and completing content makes no sense. I am sorry you found yourself in this situation but algorithms game companies use to detect hacks and account sharing look for certain actions in your game history and these actions are almost impossible to recreate if you were playing the game without modding or sharing. Im not saying you hacked or had malicious intent but even account sharing once when you started playing or using a mod one when you first began playing is justifiable reason to be banned. It doesn't matter how much money you spent if you violated ToS Kabam can permaban you and you can't do anything about it.
  • DoXDoX Member Posts: 5
    Dont know what happened, or even IF something did. What ever happen I would please ask for a solution. If something happened that I was unaware of then a roll back of the account would solve it for everyone. I would get my account back and they would keep a loyal paying customer. Please read kabam.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    wray1976 wrote: »

    They also don't give you a valid explanation from support. That's why I don't believe Kabam has a perfect system to check this. They have no transparency to the banned users to show them why it was done. Yes most of them are modders but I can't believe Kabam is perfect in verifying. Why wouldn't Kabam share the proof with the banned parties?

    I would be very surprised if the algorithm that detects hacks and account sharing made a complete mistake. Algorithms game companies use to detect cheating look for certain action that would be impossible to recreate if you were playing the game honestly. Yes, Kabam should tell you why you were banned but with this system being new and coming with waves of thousands of accounts banned its unreasonable to expect them to look into every case that is emailed to them and find out why they were banned because any algorithm they implemented to detect hacks should be 100% accurate and so far it seems to be
  • Sloppy_StuSloppy_Stu Member Posts: 13
    I don't believe in getting hacked and banned. But in my other post I was banned by allowing an old alliance member play for me when I was in Navy Training without a phone. Everyone he logged in for all are now banned.

    I have also spent thousands and thousands. I'm hoping they read my post as all I get are the same generic response or unmonitored phone lines
  • Ja55Ja55 Member Posts: 155
    For once, we have what looks like a genuine person banned for no reason? If what they say is true

    Sure 1 or 2 are done my mistake, no more

    Good luck if your telling the truth matey, will be gutted if you turn out to be the same as all the rest that "forgot" sharing their accounts

    Because he says so. Lol
  • The forums are not the place to discuss any actions taken on individual accounts, including in-game bans. As a result, this thread will be closed.
    There is more information here in our forums regarding bans.
    Our Support Pages also include more information here.
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