If you havent seen already our man Prof has given us evidence of one of the most shady ingame design ive ever seen. Quite frankly this needs to be nipped in the bud now!. Kabam mike im talking to you now seriously how much money are you loosing from refunds, compared to units not refunded? Im sure its not in the negatives or even to the point where you need to start letting people go or even paycuts to your fancy offices. What give you the right to make people pay more money to get their account. I know the less extreme measures might be 1 to 10 bucks but if my son or someone else's kids or drunk buying units and we the public need that money to live and we get our money back what give you the right to say FU give us our money back or we will lock your account. This gam might be the only highlight of our day to get online and play with our friends around the world that your game have conneced us together. This is about fun not money to us so why are you making the game unbearable reather than more fun. At the end of the day you could put 10,000 units on every account and not loose a sigle penny as 10k will only last a week to some players and they will carry on spending money and paying your salary. So lets put the players first over your greed. Thank you
This discussion has been closed.
Our reasoning behind this Policy Change is listed in the initial Announcement:
We cannot condone fraud, or any actions that unbalance the game. Just like in real life, if you make a purchase and rescind payment, you have to square up. This is our only way we can fairly reconcile the gap between a player’s payments and their in-game resources.