I had the idea to use a screenshot from the game and caption it with a pun/play on words. Thought it’d be fun to start a thread with that as the focus. Enjoy!
When this Forum has 90% of threads that discuss the same things that were discussed months and years ago you start to think if there's something good and original left to say. I'm glad to see that it is. Thank you. Great idea. Wonderful pics and titles.
When this Forum has 90% of threads that discuss the same things that were discussed months and years ago you start to think if there's something good and original left to say. I'm glad to see that it is. Thank you. Great idea. Wonderful pics and titles.
Thanks! Appreciate the feedback. I was coming off of finishing Stranger Things season 3 when I made this thread so that was a bit of my inspiration
Drax vs Drax
Took me a while.
Stared at the screen for a bit wondering why the pic wasn’t loading.
Hidden Blade
Magik Mike
... I ... don't get it .. O.o
Double Vision or Perfect Vision, take your pick
A bit obvious... Contest of (The) Champions
50 Shades of Quake?
I'm drawing a blank here...
I'm glad to see that it is.
Great idea. Wonderful pics and titles.