Iceman's Ice Armor Instantly Returns

NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
Device and Version: iPhoneX Max
Device Operating System: iOS 12.3.1
Mobile Carrier: AT&T
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 24.0
Game Mode: Story Quests (Act 6.2.4) and Duel, most likely every other form as well.
Champions Affected: Iceman
Active Boosts: No

Description of the Issue: Iceman's ice armor gets restored right away. This only happens if it was nullified during the fight as I was able to reproduce it with both Sym Supreme and Loki (using sp1 to steal it). Video shows after each parry the ice armor is removed then come back instantly (last ~10 seconds of video)

[Had to use a link as file was too large to upload]


  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    I think that is an issue with nullify more than iceman's icearmor. It happens with when SS nullifies Hyperion's power gain sometimes as well.
  • simula67simula67 Member Posts: 53
    This happened to an alliance mate in our previous war. He took Iceman into a buffet node and the ice armor was flickering in and out the entire fight, which was giving the AI permanent massive regeneration. The fight was impossible to win.
  • Sirius_amorySirius_amory Member Posts: 8
    I just posted similar thread. Posted video using Corvus. Armor break causes same issue, iceman reforms twice.
  • Dmc1990Dmc1990 Member Posts: 41
    Same thing keeps happening to me when i use annihilus on 5.4.3 video attached below
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, thanks for the info. We'll pass this along to the rest of the team.
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  • MortensisMortensis Member Posts: 16
    Hello. I have recently experienced a bug in regards to a r5 iceman and his ice armor not being removed on node 15 of alliance war fight. (opponents are running Defensive Tactics proficiency) This is a Psychic Thorns node. I was fighting this iceman with a R5 Domino (running full domino trinity). The fight was going perfect. Parry/heavy rinse and repeat. Then all of a sudden (about 2/3 of the way through the fight), i could no longer remove iceman's armor with a parry or special attack. This bug luckily didn't cost a death, but will cost me 3 or 4 health potions. This bug needs to be fixed.
  • Sam_VdH11_11Sam_VdH11_11 Member, Content Creators Posts: 13 Content Creator
    I experienced this also. Iceman in map 6 on day 5. I was using 5/65 Medusa and there are no nodes to regenerate his ice armour instantly. I never activated armour shatter, just fought normally. Medium attacks would inflict armour break, which took away ice armour for a split second and then it would come back. The same happened when I parried. I would see the stun debuff but it just instantly went away and he came at me.
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    This is still happening to me too.

    I was in AQ today and suddenly Iceman's armor was infinite so he suddenly became unstunnable.
  • ezgoingezgoing Member Posts: 284 ★★
    Just happened to me in arena. Was using sym Supreme against iceman. Ice armor removed at start of fight I think because of SS’s ability? Then it got all wonky after the ice armor formed back. Even parry stun couldn’t remove it.
  • Trafalgarwar96Trafalgarwar96 Member Posts: 627 ★★★★
    It happens often that the armor of iceman while is in countdown it refreshes.... So it has permanently a ice armor
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    already a thread for this that they are looking into.
  • Super_Omar_8888Super_Omar_8888 Member Posts: 9
    I've experienced this bug using Iceman on the buffet node when playing Act 5. The buffet would consume his Ice Armour then he instantly regains it, and you can still see the Ice Armour refresh timer.
  • Super_Omar_8888Super_Omar_8888 Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2019
    This also happened to me when I was playing Iceman on the Buffet node, and every time the Ice Armour gets consumed by the Buffet node or by receiving damage that would deal more than 5% health the Ice Armour would reform immediately.
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    Happened to me in last AW on node with reverse controls and immunity to ability accuracy reduction. Didn't have a true counter so I lost my hyperion because his specials could not do more than 5% damage.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    This issue should be resolved with the 24.2 game update.
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