Black Widow with Quake synergy vs. Variant 3.1 Modok - Bugged (Video and explanation provided)

There Modok in Variant 3.1 which is stun immune, here are his nodes:
Modok isn't a TECH champion, He is SCIENCE champion. He is has robot tag, but nodes says: "All TECH Champions in this fight are immune to Ablility Accuracy Modification"

I brought 4* Black Widow at sig 99. Here is her ability:

This means she has 70 + 15% = 85% abilities reduction
I brought Quake to the team:

This means BW now should have 85 + 15 = 100% abilities reduction while hitting. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
Let's say 15% sinrgey is from the current percentage.
15% of 85 is 12.72, then: 85 + 12.72 = 97.75%!!!
I did this fight with her 3 times and all the times I got the same result:'
Device: iPhone XS (doesn't matter tho)
Area: Variant 3.1 (White Magento quest)
There Modok in Variant 3.1 which is stun immune, here are his nodes:
Modok isn't a TECH champion, He is SCIENCE champion. He is has robot tag, but nodes says: "All TECH Champions in this fight are immune to Ablility Accuracy Modification"

I brought 4* Black Widow at sig 99. Here is her ability:

This means she has 70 + 15% = 85% abilities reduction
I brought Quake to the team:

This means BW now should have 85 + 15 = 100% abilities reduction while hitting. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
Let's say 15% sinrgey is from the current percentage.
15% of 85 is 12.72, then: 85 + 12.72 = 97.75%!!!
I did this fight with her 3 times and all the times I got the same result:'

Device: iPhone XS (doesn't matter tho)
Area: Variant 3.1 (White Magento quest)
His dash back seems to be a little bit slower or short now. He is now frequently get clipped by juggernaut when dashing back from sp2 from jug. Kindly please comment and confirm when you fight jug on ROL as well with your sym sup.