rogues life steal

I use rogue alot, and she isnt broken or anything, but i have often wondered why she doesnt gain health when ending the fight with the life steal part of her sp1. To me it doesnt make sense that she does gain the health that she steals just because the fight is over.
Anybody else noticed the same?
Anybody else noticed the same?
"Life Steal deals 27.5% Attack as Direct Damage."
In fairness to OP, I too often wonder why the life steal portion doesn't apply. You are converting enemy life into your own. In many mainstay MMOs (WoW, Rift, Wildstar to name a few) the life steal portion applies the moment the damage is dealt, even if it is an overkill. This is literally the only game in which you can apply the damage, but miss out on the life steal portion of it due to incorrect code.
Its similar to turning while in a car. You put the signal on, turn left, and when your wheel stabilizes the "left turn signal" turns itself off. Here you've put the signal on, turned left, and the car is still flashing for a left turn. Yes, OP has a concern, his car isn't acting the way it should. Much like this lifesteal. If you do the damage, you should get the life.
Understand the issue with game mechanics and such but really is a flaw in the character design with how it works currently. Rationally it doesn't make sense for people to die on the second hit of the health doesn't actually go anywhere. But hell what is really rational on the game lol.
First off, my name is not Web. Secondly, you can't steal Health from something that's dead.
Glad someone understands my final point. It would require a resequencing to tally Health stolen before the KO Animation runs. Once the Fight ends, it ends.
Exactly. It happens instantly at the second part, and all I'm saying is that if it kills the opposition then you should get whatever health they had left. No one cares when the KO animation is, the life steal should actually STEAL something.
1. This is not literally the only game in which similar mechanics work this way. I've played games with a similar limitation at least some of the time. This includes traditional MMOs. It is related to how the mechanic is implemented. If it is implemented as a reverse entity effect, the target cannot generate the return heal if it is dead. I think long ago WoW had this issue until it was changed but my memory is hazy there. City of Heroes definitely had this issue.
Neverwinter Nights used to have this oddity where the reverse could happen: you could life steal more health than the target even had if you did overkill damage.
2. The reason the life steal doesn't work when the target dies is because combat essentially stops the instant one combatant dies as others have mentioned. But the notion that this should be changed because it "should" work even if the target dies opens a can of worms most of which act against the player. For example, why should a bleed on you stop working if the enemy dies? In MCOC it does. If you simply revoke the "stop combat" rule then yes, Rogue and other life stealers will start to heal after the target dies, but a lot of players that manage to win just before dying will start dying when damage continues to affect them for seconds after a fight ends.
Sure, you can ad hoc the game to make the heal work but all detrimental effects on the player stop, but then you are no longer arguing for things to "work as they should" you're just asking for Yet Another Combat Advantage for no specific logical reason.
Kabam has confirmed this numerous times in other threads where people thought that this is not a bug. To me the problem is that it would require them to put something into the coding to take whatever remaining health and give it to the attacker instead of using a flat rate. Seems rather tricky.
Well, no. In this case, the game determines that the Special is sufficient to KO, and it triggers the Animation before the Life can be applied.
Maybe make a suggestion for it to be changed, but truly there are way bigger issues to address than this.
They fixed that one. She does gain power from power gain now. I tested by stealing Hyperion's power gain. The power gain was almost negligible though. Not even close to Hype's power gain rate. Don't know whether DS's buff works though
Nope. The game treats each hit in the special two as a separate individual thing. I play Rogue constantly and I can say with certainty that if you kill her on the life steal hit you don't get the heal but if the target is still standing you get the heal even if the third hit subsequently kills the target. In fact, it is beautiful when it happens, and I'm sure I'm not the only player that plays Rogue a lot that takes note of when that specific sequence happens.
I always know its going to be a good AQ day when I get that critical life steal and shoot back to full health and then the last punch kills the target. Especially with the class advantage you have in the immunity path.
Well, that was my interpretation of what was happening. How is it that the Life Steal doesn't trigger for the KO then? Is it because the target is KO'd before or during the second hit?
The heal happens after the damage. Nothing in a computer game really happens "simultaneously." There's an order to things. The game code makes it a point algorithmically to freeze all effects the moment either opponent is killed. So if the life stealing hit kills the target the computer first computes the damage, applies that damage to the target, determines the target is dead, and stops right there. Nothing else of a computational nature happens in combat. That's the period at the end of the sentence. The code that would have then applied the heal never happens. It is an "IF DEAD THEN EXIT" in the combat loop. If the target isn't dead, then the heal can actually happen.
It can be more complex than that in real game code of course. But the basic idea is probably something close to this.