Upcoming Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw Balance Changes

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 585

The next two Champions to get the rebalance treatment will be Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw. These balance updates will be limited to the tuning and balancing of a Champion's existing kit, abilities won’t be added or removed.


We’ve taken a look at Ronin’s performance and are happy with his both his performance and his abilities. We will not be making any balance changes to Ronin at this time.

Cull Obsidian:

After looking at our data across all the game modes we have determined that Cull Obsidian is out damaging every other high-damage Champion in the game. While he does have his limiting factors, once he's fully ramped up he is able to end fights before even high-level Opponents can do any meaningful damage to him.

The goal of Cull’s rebalance is to make tuning changes that keeps Cull Obsidian as one of the top damage dealers in-game.

Ebony Maw:

You said it and we saw it in the data. Although Ebony Maw is a decent Defender, he is underperforming as an Attacker (the designer said something about his Degeneration DPS being just sad and wrong).

We are looking to boost both his defensive and offensive potential, but with an emphasis on offense.

Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw’s balance changes should be live in approximately 3 months.



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