Constructive feedback for players not to quit

I've seen many people quit the game or stop spending because of recent changes to heroes in the game after they spent thousands of resources and dollars to invest in. I suggest Kabam should fully test their champ before releasing them. The she hulk and cull nerf was the last straw for many of my friends. Please change your ways kabam
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Now on to the 2nd part of your comment. 100% wrong again. They havent reworked him several times at all.
1. The Thanos Favors buffs became bugged where they werent stoping during attacks except the first one. They fixed that.
2. Then his damage output was incorrectly increased during the bug fix, causing him to do like 10 times as much damage as he should have. This was also a bug which they have now fixed.
3. He is in his actual written abilities form currently.
Don not you think that with 30% more time some character can be taken into conisideration?
Unless Kabam is making deep calculation changes to the content over the course of their testing there's no reason they would have a champ need to be in the wild for months before they would know what the champ was capable of. It wouldn't take very long to determine at all. If there's something coming up that would make a champ OP, they could have just said that.
Thanks for sharing your frustrations with us. If you have feedback on individual items, please share them in threads dedicated to those. Rant threads, unfortunately, do not help us address any single issue, and don't offer enough feedback to be actionable.