Stealth spidey web not loading

@Kabam Miike please look into this, there seems to be a bug where stealth spidey won’t load the web you choose before the fight and instead he loads the default flashbang web as shown in the video
In AW attack, an alliance mate was tackling node 20 with his stealth spiderman. Prior to the fight, he had specifically toggled the pre-fight ability to choose web-foam cartridge.
However, during the actual fight, at the beginning of the fight there was a worded display to indicate 'Flash Bang Loaded'.
This display was consistent in resulting in his ending combos with a Light attack NOT triggering the slow debuff but the vulnerability debuff instead. Thus subsequently not shutting down and preventing the unstoppable buffs from triggering.
I am unfortunately not able to upload a video here as it shows the process of the pre-fight selection and actual fight as well.
This issue seems to only occur in alliance war and is not an issue in normal quest fights. I have instead captured screenshots to illustrate the issue.
Would appreciate assistance from Kabam to look into this.
Thank you
1). If you lose connection and have to restart the fight, you do not get a choice and it defaults to flash-bang regardless of previous selection.
2). As this is a new feature, it’s easy to forget to make a selection prior to going into a fight... then get nailed expecting slow debuff to function!
3). No option to choose a different webshooter for an Arena fight or Duel, This severely limits the ability to practice with SSS.
Suggestion - perhaps make the choice mandatory at the point you select Fight, not before. This should overcome all of the issues above. Thanks for a great game.
We are looking into this issue with Spider-Man Stealth's pre-fight ability.
A week with no follow up from mods or the development team shouldn’t happen either. Please consider updating us.
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