Your Customers Deserve Compensation

Your servers are down again and your customers are no longer able to connect. This has happened twice in a period of four hours.


  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Come on man. No one is paying you to play this game
  • CuntessaCuntessa Member Posts: 69
    Why does kabam hire so many employees to camouflage as community gamers?
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    Come on man. No one is paying you to play this game

    Smh. Right, no one is paying him. However, if he is a paying "customer", a customer has that right to a working product.
  • GaanjGaanj Member Posts: 33
    I'd imagine they make a solid revenue off the players who, like you said, choose to play because no one is making them play and spend money.

    I personally appreciate the business side of things, and to continue or increase that revenue, well..will they take a loss in compensating for any inconveniences?
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★
    No, WE are paying them.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I work with servers and I know companies have down time occasionally and want to get servers running as quickly as possible. It happens sometimes and we just have to wait it out as customers
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Cuntessa wrote: »
    Why does kabam hire so many employees to camouflage as community gamers?

    We do not. Remember, people can disagree with your opinion on something without being an employee or a "shill". Making posts like this only leads to a toxic forum environment and will not be tolerated.

    @OP. We don't currently have any plans for compensation. We are very sorry that this happened twice today, but are hard at work getting the game running again.
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