Health Potions “Boost”

I feel like the only way for kabam to justify the the silly decision of only updating the paid for health potions, is to increase the the availability of these health potions in game. If you’re strangely only raising level 4 and level 5 potions then replace the level 2 potions found in master and uncollected with level 4 and level 5 potions. Or add some consistent way to grind out or acquire these potions freely, the way we can with level 1, level 2, and level 3 health potions. I believe this is only way for things to be fair, otherwise upgrade the rest of the health potions as well, even if it’s by a smaller amount. Personally i feel like a much better way to overhaul potions would have been to make them all percentage based rather than a fixed amount. This would ensure that lower level players aren’t getting something overpowered, and uncollected and cavalier players are receiving something extremely underpowered unless they pay. What are you thoughts?
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Thank you for the suggestion.
Those lower level potions are more common in game, and can be hoarded. There is no reason to boost their effectiveness when you can have hundreds of them (even with the limits on inventory). This change is give more value to the more rare items that you come across much less often, or have to purchase with Units.
Your response is ridiculous, and i seriously hope you tell the devs that this was a ridiculous decision. Y’all won’t miss it because you’re too busy juicing every cent you can out of everyone in the game, but you won’t be getting any of my many money anymore. There’s plenty of games where the devs are stingy, but i’ve NEVER EVER played a game where they were stingy. This has reached a disgusting level where I feel like spending even another dollar with you all would make me sick.
Up Next : Finnally new masteries are unlock, and super op, but locked behind a new advanced sigil for 24.99 a month.
Stop messing quality of life updates with greed, not EVERYTHING you put in game needs to be making you guys money.
1 ....consistent with its policy of stealing 50% of remaining health in the first instance when there is a “CONNECTIVITY ISSUE” during AQ, AW AND DUNGEONS. These issues are not always the fault of the SUMMONER yet KABAM places the blame and responsibility on the SUMMONER by imposing such a large penalty.
2. .. that it is difficult, if not impossible to get a single SOLO ALLIANCE revive for an ATTACKER
3. ..the cost associated for value of a TEAM ALLIANCE and SOLO ALLIANCE revive is not value for UNITS and just a drop in the ocean.
4. The value of the lower level TEAM HEALTH units are also just a drop in the ocean and should be increased.
These issues have been brought about by the increases in health of the heroes by the number of 5* and 5* that have been introduced to the game, and so when 50% is stolen it has been increased substantially.
It is about time KABAM reviews its stance on the 50% life steal associated with “CONNECTIVITY ISSUES” and make it more equitable and fair..
We are very proud of the fact that we have created a Free To Play friendly game, where players can find success regardless of if they want to spend real world currency in game, but you will not get everything you want just because you ask for it. You can get these Potions without spending a dollar, but you're going to have to work for those Units.
Lastly, increases in potency of potions, inventory increases, and extra quests etc. are not Quality of Life changes. Quality of Life changes are things like being able to use your ISO with the Smart Select Button, the addition of Prestige to your Summoner profile, etc.
Closing this thread because it's obvious you're not looking for rational conversation.