We can ALL do better! (Enlightenment)

Kabam knows how OP these champs are before they’re released, they’re vigorously tested. They allow the champs to be released on “appealing” or “favourable” terms so that the community spends massive TIME & MONEY on getting these champions to their roster. They have consistently proven this to be an EFFECTIVE SALES TACTIC.
Once enough time goes by and new champs are continuously/consistently being released, new “challenging” content, (with added particular timing of the year) the company decides it’s best to “rebalance” (nerf) a champ so that the newer content remains “challenging” and so that you spend MORE MONEY & TIME chasing the newer champion releases. With new (but same) OP abilities to aid in your endeavours with AQ/AW and new content (rinse and repeat)...etc.
Look at it from v12.0, back to the nerf of BlackWidow, Thor, Wolverine, Star Lord, ScarletWitch and DoctorStrange, these were all first generation champions that were “strategically rebalanced” (nerfed) in order to make way for next generation champions to replace them with “very similar abilities to their predecessors,” such as Medusa replacing Thor in the armour break department.
It’s basically repackaging of an old product to increase current sales, or to convince the customer/consumer/gamers they need this newer product, because the older ones already collected are now ineffective/inefficient in comparison for the newer, more “challenging” content.
“Get rid of the “old” key, advertise for a “new” key!” Says the Funhouse Master.
If you have any doubts, isn’t “ABYSS of LEGENDS” nigh... (what brilliant timing, delay the “nerf” for Christmas sales to come in hot!) 🤫 *clever*
Here’s the thing on a serious note...
My problem isn’t with the rebalancing of champions itself, it’s with the method in which it is done and the approach taken upon doing so (after the fact).
Loot boxes, crystals sales or whatever you prefer for terminology, with a “chance” of obtaining an item, is a lottery system of acquiring a “top prize.”
Example 1:
If you bought a lottery ticket and won $100,000 + a “free ticket play” on the same ticket, then had your lottery earnings “rebalanced” while it was already in your account, you would be devastated.
For people to say “well, you got other stuff in these crystals too, why not give those back if you want refunds.” And for Kabam or it’s representatives to agree with these statements is unethical.
(1) Not everyone would’ve purchased the crystals if the “top prize” as advertised was unappealing to their satisfaction.
(2) Not everyone who bought these champs got (were awarded) another prize better than the “top prize” as advertised that they won.
(3) Many used their time and money in arenas. TIME & MONEY which is now in Kabam’s pocket, with little to no regards for the gamers/customers.
Example 2:
Leave some leeway for new champions to be freely tested before making them readily available for sales.
You have the ability to allow champions to be given for free and tested for a while, get the feedback you need before releasing them in a crystal or arena.
Remember the little “Symbiote” pet a while back? We even got a profile pic to remember having him for fun in our rosters.
This is proof that you have a method of testing champions, taking in data analysis, using it to your and the customer/gamers advantage, by making whatever necessary changes that you desire before “officially” releasing the champion for “lottery” sales.
Many other games that use the term “rebalancing” don’t have you purchase such said item(s) in contention. The item(s) within the game are there through course of play (unlocking), or by default.
Although you may have purchased such said game itself, if it were to be a “nerf” of the game itself, compensation would be, and is usually, awarded to the customers affected by such changes.
In this case, would be a refund or credit of some sort.
Whenever such said item(s) in contention within a game are downgraded, it is fair to say that the terminology “nerf” or “nerfing” (although it being slang) is an accurate depiction of what is being done. In gaming terminology this means to make something “lesser” or “undesirable” in comparison to what it was.
Kabam, stating that you have the right to do whatever you like with your game is one thing...
Playing it like you have the right to do whatever you like to customers/gamers through “misleading,” “deceptive” and “fraudulent” practices is a major consumer rights issue.
Which needs to be addressed as such!
Being honest and forthcoming, with transparency, is what YOU as a licensed publisher of Marvel assets owes to your gamers and customers.
We are the ones who support your efforts and hard work through our TIME, MONEY and DEVOTION. We advertise and aid you in marketing your platform.
Rather than alienate the customers/gamers from the brand with reverse discontent, when we have genuine and legitimate concerns with your product and/or activities...
Show a little more courteous respect and empathetic acknowledgement...
It’s called “CUSTOMER SERVICE” last I checked.
I want everyone to take these words of address and advice into consideration...
Whether it’s the customer/gamer making a purchase, or the company releasing/advertising new champions, do so with insight and foresight.
Let’s be real and keep it real!
Once enough time goes by and new champs are continuously/consistently being released, new “challenging” content, (with added particular timing of the year) the company decides it’s best to “rebalance” (nerf) a champ so that the newer content remains “challenging” and so that you spend MORE MONEY & TIME chasing the newer champion releases. With new (but same) OP abilities to aid in your endeavours with AQ/AW and new content (rinse and repeat)...etc.
Look at it from v12.0, back to the nerf of BlackWidow, Thor, Wolverine, Star Lord, ScarletWitch and DoctorStrange, these were all first generation champions that were “strategically rebalanced” (nerfed) in order to make way for next generation champions to replace them with “very similar abilities to their predecessors,” such as Medusa replacing Thor in the armour break department.
It’s basically repackaging of an old product to increase current sales, or to convince the customer/consumer/gamers they need this newer product, because the older ones already collected are now ineffective/inefficient in comparison for the newer, more “challenging” content.
“Get rid of the “old” key, advertise for a “new” key!” Says the Funhouse Master.
If you have any doubts, isn’t “ABYSS of LEGENDS” nigh... (what brilliant timing, delay the “nerf” for Christmas sales to come in hot!) 🤫 *clever*
Here’s the thing on a serious note...
My problem isn’t with the rebalancing of champions itself, it’s with the method in which it is done and the approach taken upon doing so (after the fact).
Loot boxes, crystals sales or whatever you prefer for terminology, with a “chance” of obtaining an item, is a lottery system of acquiring a “top prize.”
Example 1:
If you bought a lottery ticket and won $100,000 + a “free ticket play” on the same ticket, then had your lottery earnings “rebalanced” while it was already in your account, you would be devastated.
For people to say “well, you got other stuff in these crystals too, why not give those back if you want refunds.” And for Kabam or it’s representatives to agree with these statements is unethical.
(1) Not everyone would’ve purchased the crystals if the “top prize” as advertised was unappealing to their satisfaction.
(2) Not everyone who bought these champs got (were awarded) another prize better than the “top prize” as advertised that they won.
(3) Many used their time and money in arenas. TIME & MONEY which is now in Kabam’s pocket, with little to no regards for the gamers/customers.
Example 2:
Leave some leeway for new champions to be freely tested before making them readily available for sales.
You have the ability to allow champions to be given for free and tested for a while, get the feedback you need before releasing them in a crystal or arena.
Remember the little “Symbiote” pet a while back? We even got a profile pic to remember having him for fun in our rosters.
This is proof that you have a method of testing champions, taking in data analysis, using it to your and the customer/gamers advantage, by making whatever necessary changes that you desire before “officially” releasing the champion for “lottery” sales.
Many other games that use the term “rebalancing” don’t have you purchase such said item(s) in contention. The item(s) within the game are there through course of play (unlocking), or by default.
Although you may have purchased such said game itself, if it were to be a “nerf” of the game itself, compensation would be, and is usually, awarded to the customers affected by such changes.
In this case, would be a refund or credit of some sort.
Whenever such said item(s) in contention within a game are downgraded, it is fair to say that the terminology “nerf” or “nerfing” (although it being slang) is an accurate depiction of what is being done. In gaming terminology this means to make something “lesser” or “undesirable” in comparison to what it was.
Kabam, stating that you have the right to do whatever you like with your game is one thing...
Playing it like you have the right to do whatever you like to customers/gamers through “misleading,” “deceptive” and “fraudulent” practices is a major consumer rights issue.
Which needs to be addressed as such!
Being honest and forthcoming, with transparency, is what YOU as a licensed publisher of Marvel assets owes to your gamers and customers.
We are the ones who support your efforts and hard work through our TIME, MONEY and DEVOTION. We advertise and aid you in marketing your platform.
Rather than alienate the customers/gamers from the brand with reverse discontent, when we have genuine and legitimate concerns with your product and/or activities...
Show a little more courteous respect and empathetic acknowledgement...
It’s called “CUSTOMER SERVICE” last I checked.
I want everyone to take these words of address and advice into consideration...
Whether it’s the customer/gamer making a purchase, or the company releasing/advertising new champions, do so with insight and foresight.
Let’s be real and keep it real!
This discussion has been closed.