Act 6 Chapter 4: The End of the Elders has Begun! [Rewards Updated]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Or course. One of the largest arguments people had was in relation to the RNG, so that seems like a compromise when a Gen Gem wasn't a possibility on the table.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    A definite improvement, would like to see 20 6* sig stones added. But much better than before.
  • KevanproGKevanproG Member Posts: 308 ★★
    I love the rewards but literally the awakening gen should be generic that my only complain still love the rewards though
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    I think it's probably best to know what you need going in. Most people will be aware of what Cats they're working on I'm sure.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Sometimes it's possible. What I've seen with this game is they do so whenever they can. There's a fine line between appropriate for what it is, and making people happy. The first will always have to come first. It's nice when they can add more to make it more pleasing, but the most important priority is it needs to be appropriate to what the content is and where the game is at. Either way I'm always happy when people are pleased. That was my original point, but it didn't go over so well when people weren't happy. Lol.
  • jammybstrdjammybstrd Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2020
    tafre said:

    I am loving the reward increase but having 4 of those 3-4 gems and no 4-5 gems is a bit weird to be honest. Three 1-2 gems will be good for the future, for me and I am sure I will get like 2-3 science gems now that I already have three r2 six star science champs lol. Overall the renewed rewards look very juicy but no 4-5 gems is weird not complaining but not having any of those while having all those 2-3 and 3-4 gems is confusing to me :smiley:

    Can confirm they are generic my guy, kabam Mike has said so himself on discord
  • jammybstrdjammybstrd Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2020
    Kabam did what everyone needed; they got mostly got rid of random rng. We have a 25% t5cc selector, generic r2 gems and both 5* and 6* nexus crystals; that 6* nexus crystal will most likely be game changing. Now, based off the t5cc I pull, I will most likely get a champion that can be r3ed. It's not 100% there like act 5 but I'm happy to take it. Thanks for taking time to listen to the community, these rewards now feel meaningful as a lot of them are unique to this content
  • BlackOracleBlackOracle Member Posts: 256 ★★★
    So, 18.25 t2as as well in the whole map? That's a whole lot of T2A to be found.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Rcomma81 said:

    Sometimes it's possible. What I've seen with this game is they do so whenever they can. There's a fine line between appropriate for what it is, and making people happy. The first will always have to come first. It's nice when they can add more to make it more pleasing, but the most important priority is it needs to be appropriate to what the content is and where the game is at. Either way I'm always happy when people are pleased. That was my original point, but it didn't go over so well when people weren't happy. Lol.

    i think that’s the first time i’ve seen you use “lol” in a sentence lol
    Oh God. I used to all the time. Bit obsessive really.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
    I hope I’m not being too nit picky, but would it have really killed you guys to replace the T5CC with a T5C Selector?

    The highest rank in the game in 2016 was a Rank 4, Level 55 5*. You could have only gotten that with 4 Tier 2 Alpha which was not available in the game until Act 4, Chapter 4.

    The highest rank in the game in 2017 was a Rank 5, Level 65 5*. You could have only gotten that with 1 Tier 5 Basic Catalyst, which was not available in the game until Act 5, Chapter 4.

    Notice how up until this stage of the game, people who completed and explored this content was able to get the highest rank possible on the character of their choosing.

    Fast forward to 2020 and the name of the game is RNG. As DNA3000 has stated before (I will be paraphrasing): to say RNG is the foundation of rank up resources is simply false. Not only did you first introduce T5CC through offers, you’re hindering the entire player base from having a Rank 3 6* of their choosing. You’ve put a gate behind it. Why is that? Shouldn’t all players who complete and explore Act 6 choose which 6* they’d want to Rank 3? Am I the only one who sees something wrong with Kabam leaving the T5CC as it is?
  • Xinel07Xinel07 Member Posts: 24
    Thank you for listening to the community! New rewards look worth the effort.
  • Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    Still not enough cct5 for completion it sucks
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,567 ★★★★★
    Thanks kabam for listening to your players!! I’m excited for it once I build the roster!
  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    edited March 2020
    Siliyo said:

    I hope I’m not being too nit picky, but would it have really killed you guys to replace the T5CC with a T5C Selector?

    The highest rank in the game in 2016 was a Rank 4, Level 55 5*. You could have only gotten that with 4 Tier 2 Alpha which was not available in the game until Act 4, Chapter 4.

    The highest rank in the game in 2017 was a Rank 5, Level 65 5*. You could have only gotten that with 1 Tier 5 Basic Catalyst, which was not available in the game until Act 5, Chapter 4.

    Notice how up until this stage of the game, people who completed and explored this content was able to get the highest rank possible on the character of their choosing.

    Fast forward to 2020 and the name of the game is RNG. As DNA3000 has stated before (I will be paraphrasing): to say RNG is the foundation of rank up resources is simply false. Not only did you first introduce T5CC through offers, you’re hindering the entire player base from having a Rank 3 6* of their choosing. You’ve put a gate behind it. Why is that? Shouldn’t all players who complete and explore Act 6 choose which 6* they’d want to Rank 3? Am I the only one who sees something wrong with Kabam leaving the T5CC as it is?

    No I had the same thought but I think they’re sincere in believing that the game had not shifted to a 6* meta which I interpret as them not being prepared for that shift as opposed to it not being here. So, instead of just granting people the r3 of their choice which basically floods the game even more with r3s, or completely denying those who only have 1 or 2 good 6* with RNG, these rewards find a really good balance by providing an opportunity for everyone to get a better 6* champ they can eventually r3, and that when they pull that champ they can take them to r3 relatively quickly having given generic gems to smooth the transition.

    Basically these rewards stall the meta shift a little bit so that the game can catch up but not so much that makes it those us who don’t yet have an r3 feel like we’ll never get there unless we do the abyss. In my opinion atleast.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    Very happy with the improved rewards. 6* generic r1-r2 is great for giving everyone control on some of their progression, and everyone loves Nexus crystals, a little more control in the midst of all the RNG. I'm back on motivated to get Act 6 done and explored.
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  • Denta89Denta89 Member Posts: 74
    Rewards looks better, but missing the 6 Star sigstones. Its a 6* awakening gem but still no single sigstone.
  • cityofenochcityofenoch Member Posts: 45

    Raganator said:

    Quick question. Will we need to select which class t5cc we want right away, or will the selector go to our inventory?

    It has to be selected right away.
    Jodo_K said:

    @Kabam Miike I don't know if it's too late in the game to implement something like this, but I have a suggestion for the T5CC 25% selector. What if completion of the final quest awarded a T5CC selector token, of sorts, and the actual selector could be purchased with said token in the store? That way, folks could open their non-selector 25% fragment crystal and 6* crystals and make an appropriate decision about what they'd like to use the selector on?

    I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but having to decide immediately could put some people in a bind. For example, I currently am sitting on 75% of a Mystic T5CC. I don't really have a Mystic champion I'd like to use a T5CC on, but given that we don't know when/how T5CC fragments will become more readily available, I feel the smart move is for me to select Mystic because I'm not even above 30% of any other class. It would hurt a little to select Mystic, and then go pull Mystic again from the fragment crystal (again, mostly just because of the scarcity of those fragments). I'd imagine there are folks who are sitting around 75% of two separate classes who would really like to see what 6* champions they pull before making a decision on which class to fully form as well.

    Just a thought.

    @Kabam Miike i think this is a really good point to bring up. Why can’t the selector be chosen at a later stage such as fully exploring 6.4 and getting the last 25% random t5c frags From 6.4 exploration, before using the 25% selector? I’m assuming 6.4 grants a 25% frag crystal just like 6.1, 6.3 and 6.3? This could be the difference with many summoners fully forming one and not. As kabam has shown some willingness to give a guaranteed result on the 25% for completion, while not willing to grant a t5cc selector, why not also allow us to select it at a later stage such as after we see the other 25% t5c frag crystal result from 6.4? Your feedback is appreciated!
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Looks like a good update, definitely much more motivated to go for 100% now
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,492 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Looks like a good update, definitely much more motivated to go for 100% now

    Even one part of act6
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  • Aaronc94Aaronc94 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Those rank up gems from chapter 4 are a joke but at least rewards got improved :#
  • raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
    This is much better than the first time Mike posted about this.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    New rewards are great but in my case I don't have a 6* that I want to rank 3. Sad time for me.
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