UC is garbage

Can you model UC after juggernaught and less colossus since Colossus is one of the most garbage champs in any game ever created? Thanks.
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If he had the same specials and animation as juggernaught he would actually be useful in AWD. So just to keep it different, maybe an unstoppable charge/dash attack and maybe throw some earth like hulk instead of the useless drop kick that connects on no one and the whirling durbish that connects on no one.
UC is fine as it is. Less tanker than Juggernaut, more damage than him and colossus
He's terrible as is and complete garbage. He's a practice dummy.
Umm...you do know that UC stands for Unstoppable Colossus, right? So obviously, he's gonna be modeled after Colossus. UC is fine as is anyway. Good defender, even better with Mystic Dispersion and good damage output.
Ummm...you do know Colossus sucks right? And you do know UC is just Colossus with some unstoppable sprinkled in here and there right? So instead of having yet another useless chump, change up his animations attacks to be more in line with the more useful unstoppable parts of juggernaught.
Why leave a garbage chump as garbage? Especially one that takes 1.5 years to dupe in 5* form?
Tell that when you face a duped 5-star rank 4 UC in stun immune node
Yep he's garbage, use Cap WW lol
Lol okay, thanks for the tip, I have md4 and I put mine on the node but he's only r3 and gets on average a whopping 0.3 kills per AW before he got pulled from that node. Tier 1 AW laugh at that placement. Why someone is so against buffing a garbage champ I have no idea.
Lol yeah leave garbage champs alone, nothing like spending time to collect garbage champs! Awesome!
Cause he isn't garbage and you refuse to hear what anyone says about him
That's your opinion. My opinion is he is garbage. Thanks. Nice conversation.
I think that Star-Lord is garbage, but I'm not going to create a thread and refuse what anyone as to say about him. That's stupid
I wasn't arguing whether or not Colossus is a "garbage" champ, I was simply saying that UC is essentially, like you said, "Colossus with some unstoppable sprinkled in". Therefore, it would only make sense that the model (Character Model, Specials and such) for UC would be similar to Colossus'. Whether Colossus is a good or bad champ is completely an opinion, so really not much to dispute there.
Anyone? Like 3 people? Because I don't listen to your opinion and adopt it as my own that's stupid? This post was made to advocate changing UC from the practice dummy he is now to something better. If at minimum, Kabam were to just copy and paste juggernaught animations and specials to UC he would be infinitely better. So why are you here? You voiced your opinion, thanks, I'm sure Kabam will take it into account.