When can we sell T4CC for t5cc????

Can you make this happen ASAP. There are a ton of players that have stockpiles of T4CC. We should be able to sell them for t5cc like the other class catalyst ranks.
The material balance in this game is too off so people don’t use there T4CC due to lack of T4B/T1A and gold. As a result many are sitting on well over 50-100 t4cc in the form of full crystals and shard crystals and glory crystals, map crystals, etc.
I know I have 3000 shard crystals and 30 t4cc crystals, a good chunk of greater glory crystals, and a ton of map 5 AQ crystals as I only open the map 6 ones for t2a shards.
I know you might not want to hear this answer, but I hope you can appreciate that we're not trying to hide anything here. T5CC are very rare and valuable, and being able to sell T4CC for even a few fragments would devalue that in a way that we are not ready for yet.