New Alliance war potions

The new alliance war potions should be in the glory store for free to play players to purchase, this is making alliance wars even more pay to win than what it already is.
However, if what you said is true about the glory potions still being active for AW then there's no issue. I think that's the questions we are trying to get clarified since the description currently only says they can be used in alliance quest. maybe @Kabam Miike can clear this up real quick for us:)
Conversely, to fully revive your team with glory-purchaseable items you need all the 15 items.
Now you can say that in top level wars you don’t die, and that’s true. But playing against opponents who can restore their characters’ health to 100% with just one item before every single battle is unfair for people who have to spend 5 object to do the same thing.
Instead of rewarding the better players, this move rewards the bigger wallets.