Incursion boss doesn’t give you the chance to regenerate

In Incursions the boss has 2 Linked nodes and if you don’t want to be degenerating like hell you need to make sure you and your friend get rid of those linked nodes. But if all of their characters are dead you have to deal with a boss that degenerates your health 3% every second! I read in the Incursion post from Kabam Miike saying: ‘The Boss will now have one or more Local Nodes and no longer Degenerates if both link nodes have been taken down, and your Champions will no longer regenerate when striking them’. That last bit of him saying ‘and your champions will no longer regenerate when striking them’. Is there a missing linked node for the Incursion bosses where we’re supposed to regenerate if we strike the boss? Like that Life-steal node in Act 5 Chapter 1? Have Kabam forgotten about this???
That is not present anymore, instead, there are the 2 different health options at the end of each room when you beat the boss (Team Revive or Team Heal, or Pickup Boss Module)
Are you sure that’s what he means? Kabam, can you make it more clear about what you mean
Anyways, it says “no longer”. So nothing to worry about because it's not part of Incursions.
Here you get a 20% revive or 40% heal - much better. Only downside is losing the boss module hack to do it.
If both links are down, it is a normal fight with no degen and regen, only the nodes on the boss.