Duped hero during gold glitch

I opened my 4 star crystal after war and duplicated Thor for the second time then I see you have posted afterward advising not to open hero crystals in case of duplicates because of gold fiasco have I just wasted my 4 star crystal ?
Miike, I am sorry, and I really can't believe I have to tell you this, but that is completely unacceptable. You have a game where people play to earn rewards and because your programmers appear to be completely incompetent based on recent performance, you have simply decided not to give your customers part of the rewards they are promised for completing content. Sorry Miike, but that is unacceptable. And don't shove some line about TOS at me, it is simple basic customer service which you guys appear to be worse at than programming.
But of course you can just ban me or put some stupid jail bars in front of my avatar because you are a petty group who does not communicate with your customers and somehow act surprised when they aren't happy. But when you mess up, you turn it around and make the players feel like you are doing them a favor by only withholding their gold rewards. What a crock.
Calm down, it is just some gold. You are not really upset, you just want some "rewards". Grow up and deal with your problems in a mature and constructive way.
No, it is about the complete lack of integrity by the developers of this game. I couldn't give a hoot about the gold, it is what they think is a reasonable response and how they treat their customers that I have a problem with. They are threatening to take actions on players who exploit the extra gold they sent out and haven't even sent a message in game to all the players effected, do they think everyone is on this board?
No offense bruh but it seems like they responded pretty fast.
Well, since I didn't not mention anything about their speed of response, not really sure what point you are making.
You're the poster Mcoc deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
Kinda seems like you're saying it's completely unacceptable for a player to get more than they are supposed to and completely acceptable for them to get less than they're supposed to. That's just really messed up whether it's fifty billion gold or just 2.
Now, maybe you guys are making preparations to reimburse players who should be getting gold from things like this, and if so... Great.
But the business-customer relationship is a two way street that requires respect and fairness from both sides. If I'm reading this comment correctly...and there's no plan to reimburse players who miss out on gold bc of yet another huge kabam screw-up... Well, you've gone so far off the deep end that me telling you isn't gonna change anything.
Seriously hoping that a "you'll be ok" isn't all that particular summoner is going to get. That'd be appalling as far as customer service goes.
Yes the complaints here were not thought out.
*And they are granting 200k of the mistake to players. Think.