Put 0 cost for masteries

A huge number of players like me can't set masteries having troubles in several part in the Game... it's connected with the gold issue. fix it now!
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Ban for ?
It was a joke referring to the exploit from event quest. My joke was that claiming the gold bug was exploiting the system. and was not meant to be taken seriously.
How is claiming the gold is exploiting the system. Some just never see the mail and collect whatever given to them. How can it consider exploit
It was a joke bud. Not meant to be taken seriously. I repeat IT WAS A JOKE!!!!
lmao what did I get myself into
But now i think super alot of people are frustrating cause they cannot change mastery now.
Miss the alpha arena cause cannot play.
Cant open any crystal related to gold.
Meaning i cannot open battlechips crystal for units cause there is gold inside
I dont know if i got miss out anything more
It was a mistake i had 20kk gold.
Please keep any posts in that thread on topic and constructive. To help keep the forums more organized, and information in one location on this topic, I will close this thread.