Parry heavy distance with white mags pre-fight [title edited for clarity]

Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
edited September 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
As title says. White magneto pre fight which gives colossus a passive stun on parry causes him to have a massive back slide making it Impossible parry heavy.
I assume this is an interaction with colossus abilities that give him a stun without parry mastery.
Something very odd but it totally breaks colossus and needs to be fixed asap.

See the two videos.
One with the pre-fight active you see the big slide.
One without the pre-fight it works normal.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    I can reproduce this in multiple game modes (ROL, EQ). I have 3 points in Parry.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    edited September 2020

    Hey there, we've passed this along to the rest of the team. Would you be able to tell us if you had points in Parry at the time or any other fights you specifically encountered this in? Even if it happens multiple places, having more specifics helps us to replicate the circumstances leading up to the issue, which helps with our investigation.

    yes i have maxed parry mastery.
    always have maxed parry.
    every time i use this synergy i have this issue.

    i have seen a similar issue on occasion using colossus with no synergy) in fights against AAR champs like Black widow where on occasion his parries cause a backslide. i assume its an interaction with the AAR from black widow in those instances
    @Kabam Zibiit
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    to replicate this go into any quest with white magneto and colossus on the team and have the parry mastery active.
    activate white magnetos pre-fight ability. enter the fight with colossus and attempt parry heavy.
    doing this you will replicate the bug and see exactly what happens. i have yet to notice it using anyone else. leading me to see it as an odd interaction between this pre-fight and colossus's inate parry ability.
  • Darw1n34Darw1n34 Member Posts: 10

    Hey there, we've passed this along to the rest of the team. Would you be able to tell us if you had points in Parry at the time or any other fights you specifically encountered this in? Even if it happens multiple places, having more specifics helps us to replicate the circumstances leading up to the issue, which helps with our investigation.

    I am also having this issue. I have attached two videos of the same team, same fight in 6.3.1 against the same Invisible woman. I have 3 points in the Parry mastery, to answer the question above. I am using an iPhone 8 with iOS version 13.7.

    The parry pushes me back to the point I can't connect with the first hit of Colossus' heavy. The first video Shows the fight without a prefight ability, and aside from playing like trash, you can see the parries are working as expected and the second is with the prefight active, you can see the parries tossing Colossus back.

    Interesting point, I just noticed that at 0:53 of the Prefight Enabled video you can see that a a light attack is parried with no pushback, so maybe its with the Medium attacks only?

    No Prefight

    Prefight enabled

    EDIT: Sorry for the long lead ins on the videos, total noob move
  • PeityPeity Member Posts: 6
    This is still an issue. Placed prefight on hit monkey in AW and colossus parry gets pushed out of heavy range. 3 mastery points in parry.
  • Mart83Mart83 Member Posts: 21
    This isn’t just a bug with colossus, every single champ gets pushed back when using the white magneto pre fight. Omega red in particular is frustrating as all your spores fall off
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    Yeah, I experience the same. Whenever activating his Pre-Fight ability and entering with any champs, the parry-stun bounces me too far back and the distance prevents a successful Heavy-attack
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    After two months, this is still "under investigation" in the bugs list. Did someone check it out or can't it be replicated? The bounce back to the left when parry-blocking just with Metal or Hero champ with the House of X Pre-Fight ability still occurs.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    I posted about this last night in a different thread (see below) about this after having the same problem. I Tried again now using White Magnetos prefight and then used Dr Doom to fight Jabari Panther and noticed the push back after parry stunning.

    Here’s the comparison of the same fight with and without using the prefight. Skip to 1:41 to view normal interactions when parry stunning.
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    Ha ha none yet. Still working
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2021
    How is the investigation going of the excessive push Back with the Parry Stuns?

    Have found another example from a KT vid, start at 10:30 min:
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  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    Wordunken said:

    doesnt this happen since his rework came out

    Yeah, but is it really intended that it pushes you back that far to prevent you from using reliable heavy attacks after?
  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    Bump, in the Known Bugs list this issue is sitting for months, nearly a year.

    So it the Prefight ability for Heroes and Metal Champs working as intended or can the dev team really check and see how the parry can be fixed to not include the big slide back.
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  • AndimingaAndiminga Member Posts: 39
    Since September 2020 this is under investigation.

    Did the team manage to experience the same far back parry-block pushback, when a Hero or Metal champ was fighting with White Mags Pre-Fight Ability activated? Or not?

    The absolute silence of a response in this thread is deafening and the current Bug list with it being on top, while dozens are fixed in the meantime is feeling like a joke over the nearly one year.
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