Energy Refills

IncoInco Member Posts: 10
Why does my level 24 acct with an energy capacity of only 42 pay as much for an energy refill as my level 60 account? Units are harder to earn at low levels and you get less value when you use them for energy fills. Seems like an opportunity for improvement to me...


  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Inco wrote: »
    Why does my level 24 acct with an energy capacity of only 42 pay as much for an energy refill as my level 60 account? Units are harder to earn at low levels and you get less value when you use them for energy fills. Seems like an opportunity for improvement to me...

    Or seems like they could offer small energy refills available for purchase. And units are arguably not any harder to get at lower levels. In theory you can get them faster as you are usually able to quest through more of story and build them up.
  • IncoInco Member Posts: 10
    Anyone from Kabam wanna comment? I'm still spending 30 units for refills and getting less energy for those 30 units than a higher level player. It's not as if adding an item to the store is difficult...and all I'm asking for is equal value for my units when compared to a higher level summoner.
  • IncoInco Member Posts: 10
    Do I have to cross burrard inlet and go to the Kabam offices to even get someone to acknowledge this post?
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    err, the answer is, thats the way it works. Their game, their rules, you fill your energy to the max by using a refil, whatever that level is

    No conspiracy or anything else, its just the way the game plays
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Inco wrote: »
    Anyone from Kabam wanna comment? I'm still spending 30 units for refills and getting less energy for those 30 units than a higher level player. It's not as if adding an item to the store is difficult...and all I'm asking for is equal value for my units when compared to a higher level summoner.

    I feel it is a benefit of being high level.
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    You should save your units for masteries. Buying energy refills is a waste of units, eapecially at lower levels.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    The In-Game Value for Items is the same for everyone because that's what is fair.
  • IncoInco Member Posts: 10
    You should save your units for masteries. Buying energy refills is a waste of units, eapecially at lower levels.

    I appreciate your input. I'm currently working my way through the monthly quest, and at 3 energy per tile, it's agonizingly slow without refills.
  • IncoInco Member Posts: 10
    The In-Game Value for Items is the same for everyone because that's what is fair.

    This is the exact opposite of my point. In my example, the in-game value is not the same for everyone. Which is the opposite of fair.

    When 30 units buys me 50 energy, and 30 units buys a level 60 summoner 70 energy, how can you say that's equivalent value? This is simple math.

    If we attach real money to the equation, Kabam is making me spend more cash for the same quantity of spaces advanced on a map as a higher level player.
  • IncoInco Member Posts: 10
    Another day, another lack of comment from Kabam. Sigh.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    But every player before you had the same issue. If anything, I would rather them have kept the reduced energy costs of act 4 at 2 per tile.

    I have two accounts and don't really feel like buying packs on the alt for the same reason you mentioned. There isn't much money be made for them by Act 4 anymore since it has been rebalanced post 12.0- however the sheer amount of paths does warrant a reduced cost in energy.

    Additionally, keeping the reduced cost allows newer players to jump into the latter stages a little quicker once they can knock out act 4. They may not have a deep or varied roster yet, but it would seem less daunting to do so. I actually enjoy playing the alt more, but the energy cost is ridiculous at this point.
  • IncoInco Member Posts: 10
    I'm not even asking for any redress. I just want to stop being treated unfairly moving forward with this issue.

    There is a stupidly easy solution. One new item in the store - a bundle of 7 small energy refills (35 energy) for 15 units. Half the energy, half the price.

    Taa-da! Just needs someone to pay attention to this thread that's been ignored for almost a month now...

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    30 Units is not a great deal. Its for a Full Refill. No matter what your Energy cap is, it fills it. That's reasonable.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey OP, sorry for the late reply!

    First, I want to say that unfortunately, not every post in the forums will receive a reply. As much as we wish we could, it's not possible for us to be able to be everywhere at the same time, until somebody invents cloning.

    The point of a forum is not solely for you to interact with the team (although we do a lot of that), but to converse with your fellow players, connect and socialize and gather their opinions. There have been a lot of great answers in this thread, but simply discounting them because you don't like the answer isn't cool.

    I don't have a reason exactly as to why the cost doesn't scale, but this isn't likely to change. I will, however, pass this on to the team for consideration.

    Closing this thread down now because there is nothing to add, and the thread has remained fairly non-constructive.
This discussion has been closed.