Constructive or non-constructive

Lately I have massive problems understanding the decision of the moderators.
Every day!!!! EVERY DAY!!!!!!! , posts are closed with constructive feedback from the player base.
Every day they are closed because of apparently bad behavior or name calling... but WHY do you close the whole post ?
Why not just delete the bad comments?
In 99% of the cases, the new discussions have to do with real problems and genuinely important questions.
But instead of giving the man who asked an answer, the discussions are simply closed. Out of sight out of mind...
"I have to close this because of name calling"
"This getting out of hand. I will close this down"
I wonder why you always shut down posts who has good and constructive feedback on your decisions?!?!
If you want to do this then start saying -> "we listen to just the feedback we want to" and not every members feedback..
From my perspective you wait until somebody take a bad comment, to get a chance to close the thread. Hard criticism.. i know... but this is absolutely a big mistake in my eyes AND this is 10000% constructive AND i want to help YOU to take care of YOUR player base.
If there is a duplicate post on the forum then you can delete it.. but don´t delete posts who are CONSTRUCTIVE but have bad comments.
Thank you
Every day!!!! EVERY DAY!!!!!!! , posts are closed with constructive feedback from the player base.
Every day they are closed because of apparently bad behavior or name calling... but WHY do you close the whole post ?
Why not just delete the bad comments?
In 99% of the cases, the new discussions have to do with real problems and genuinely important questions.
But instead of giving the man who asked an answer, the discussions are simply closed. Out of sight out of mind...
"I have to close this because of name calling"
"This getting out of hand. I will close this down"
I wonder why you always shut down posts who has good and constructive feedback on your decisions?!?!
If you want to do this then start saying -> "we listen to just the feedback we want to" and not every members feedback..
From my perspective you wait until somebody take a bad comment, to get a chance to close the thread. Hard criticism.. i know... but this is absolutely a big mistake in my eyes AND this is 10000% constructive AND i want to help YOU to take care of YOUR player base.
If there is a duplicate post on the forum then you can delete it.. but don´t delete posts who are CONSTRUCTIVE but have bad comments.
Thank you
This discussion has been closed.
but a piece of suggestion: before closing down a post, it will be helpful for further communication if mods could kindly point out which specific forum terms the post is violating instead of simply saying it's unconstructive, which sometimes seems a bit arbitrary. No mean to offense
Yes that would be perfect
It's in the forum rules. If they say it is non-constructive then that means it violated the forum rules.
Yeah but in my opinion there are very few posts which are really wrong and have to get shut down... here are so many great posts but in 8/10 times there are deleted or closed because of comments or there is absolutely no reason
Got u .. but at the end their was a guy or a women who took the time to ask a question or give constructive feedback. These members getting punished because of one comment "we close this"
I agree some threads are obviously pure negativity and needs to be closed.
For the turd/punch situation, I do feel it's a bit unfair to the original post, which may start with good intention but eventually get closed by some nasty replies.
Yeah, maybe..
I called them out asking for proof of testers. I also asked for proof as in ticket number for bugs they claim they are working on. All that happens my posts get deleted and i get warned.
They know not all feed back is going to be positive, so no reason negative feedback should be shut down if its at least constructive. But at the same time you can't be rude while doing so. I assume in some cases they have to use their own judgment on whats actually rude and could easily take something as rude when its not meant to be taken that way, which can easily happen with some negative feed back.
Constructive post showing negative feedback do seem to get closed prematurely. But seems its only when a user has created the thread and not a mod. The featured thread for the new AW is numerous pages of negative feedback and rudeness on a large scale, but remains open. Some things do seem hard to understand.
With soooo many threads being closed for "non constructive" posting lately, it seems like they are deliberately BURYING valid concerns from the community. If someone has valid, well thought out points that show a form of negligence on Kabam's part, it frequently gets closed within 24-48 hours as non constructive.
It's usually NOT the eloquent OP that is non constructive, but the thread derails. So the thread get's closed and buried rather than cleaned up and bumped to top for more thoughtful discussion. I don't think it's done for any nefarious reason, I think it's laziness or a policy left over from when they were under staffed.
A lot of comments can easily derail a very well put out thread and cause it to be shut down. But when you take the thread above that I posted where only 2 comments out of the rest were questionable than you can't help but wonder how it was closed with the statement "this is no longer constructive." Based off 2 comments? Thats a bit silly.
That's what I mean too... Delete those comments, then LEAVE THE THREAD ALONE!
Closing it down is stifling discussion, and makes it look fishy in a bunch of cases.
Do you mean something along the lines of the OP having some sort of mod right on their own thread to delete non-constructive or hateful comments? While that sounds like a great idea to me, the biggest issue I see happening is an OP abusing that option by deleting any comment that disagrees with their ideas or thought.
Just wanted to add, we can't even get users to quit abusing the flag option
Honestly it would be difficult to make work, but I think we have all been a part of threads that have been closed due to infighting due to two or three people or due to negative posts by a group of members. I was just thinking aloud on something that might work.
I like the idea. Its just unfortunate something like that could never be a possibility given the common nature of people to be so irate and defensive to anyone who disagrees with them. Giving the upper hand with the option to silence people would just raise the same complaint as this thread, but instead of mods it would be the users doing it
Additionally, we really don't like having to close down any threads, but it sometimes becomes necessary when it gets to the point where people are no longer having a discussion and have begun arguing and making things personal in their comments. Once a few people have taken things off the rails, it can be difficult to get the thread back on track, even if we do go through and delete the non-constructive comments. At that point, it can become difficult for anyone new to add their views on the subject without feeling like they're at risk of becoming the target of similar negativity. When situations like this happen, it can sometimes become necessary to gather the feedback already given and close the thread to prevent things from derailing further.