If you could assemble a team of bodyguards, what champs would you want?

The title basically explains it. Pick 3 champs that you would use as bodyguards. Don't be annoying and say "tHoR bEcAuSe hE's a gOd." Don't be like that. For me, I would choose Hit-Monkey because people would think Aww, it's a monkey! and then realize that he's a paid assassin. Second, I would choose Nick Fury. I mean he has all of S.H.I.E.L.D. to back him up, and you know he has the pew-pew guns. Lastly, I would choose Iron Man (Infinity War). Millions upon millions of dollars + reckless decision making = great bodyguard.
Magneto (bullet deflection), Guardian (general force fields), and Emma Frost (diamond form and psychic shielding)
If we’re talking mcoc:
Invisible Woman (force fields. She can also work for comics as force field supplier but whatever), Sym Supreme (pure imitation factor and well... magic), and Ægon (he did it for carnia, why not me?)
If Sentinel and Doom mess up, Heimdall would come in really handy!
Emma Frost can just make people turn around and walk away.
Failing that, Punisher, to mercilessly beat them to death.
Sentry and Void. I mean the same case as Apocalypse for the most part. Sentry has LITERALLY RIPPED ARES IN HALF and has Molecule Manipulation, Materialization, Immortality, Has Super Speed, Nigh-Invulnerability, Doesn't need to use the Washroom so he won't take any pee breaks, Plus he can share his powers to me.
Whilst my options may seem CHEAP they're just too powerful xd
Proffessor X for Psychic shielding. Emmas only works for herself.
Hyperion for Muscle. Also I just really like Hyperion. Either my favorite champ or at least second.
Nightcrawler to teleport me (he can do it faster, then strange opening his portals) when things go bad.
Prof X for any mind attacks
Hyperion for looking cool
Void to kill everyone who attacked me
Magik and Hela for no specific reasons
Doctor Doom
Black Panther can have the agility to guard me and can kill or knock some one out in one swift strike. Mag can put a protective shell of metal around us. Mag can also disable guns and use metal stuff to attack people and defend me. Doom with his castle. Special powers. Many cool technology. And his robots.