Rewards will not go away after pressing claim button.

After AW it had gave me 6 rewards which was odd. I claimed the first 3 normally, but then the 3 duplicate reward buttons would not go away. Anyone have or has had this issue?


  • DrDavid69DrDavid69 Member Posts: 18
    The link is a video of the bug.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Occasionally there will be an issue where the Claim button remains visible, even though you already claimed the Mail reward.

    It’s just a visual bug (doesn’t actually claim multiple rewards), fixes itself if you restart game.
  • DrDavid69DrDavid69 Member Posts: 18
    I tried restarting my game, that didn't fix it.
  • Damiano83Damiano83 Member Posts: 19
    Same problem here. Also tryed to restart and also install again the app... nothing seems to work.
  • GrimAetherGrimAether Member Posts: 6
    I am having the same problem. Duplicate mail items of each type of AW reward. 3 of them I was able to claim the rewards, and delete the mail. The other 3, the items can't be claimed (if you click claim the screen kinda blinks, and comes back with the item still at the bottom of the mail). Thus, because there are unclaimed items, the mail cannot be deleted.

    This is on Android 10, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. Latest app version. Clearing the cache did not help, nor did restarting the game, or deleting and reinstalling.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Guess I was thinking you all meant that inside the SAME Mail Msg (from among just the normal 3 related to AW) that Claiming the item does not remove the Claim button. Which does happen from time to time, maybe dues to refresh/sync issue and switching between Apps.

    But sounds like you all are saying you got 6 separate Mail Msgs (instead of normal 3 Mails) for last AW war rewards. And 3 of them claimed/deleted as normal, but the duplicate other 3 Mail Msgs had the problems ??

    That would indeed be odd (not sure why you got sent out Duplicate Mail Msgs with AW rewards).
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, sorry to hear about this. I would first try to go through our troubleshooting steps for iOS or Android, depending on what type of device you have.
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    Anyone find a fix for this? Still have the 3 messages in my inbox unable to delete them. iOS
  • GrimAetherGrimAether Member Posts: 6
    @Kabam Zibiit I have done every single troubleshooting step in that article and still have the 3 pieces of mail with unclaimable rewards that can't be deleted.

    Is the team aware of the bug at least?
  • VuskaVuska Member Posts: 175
    me too.... troubleshooting not fixed that messages.
    3 aw rewards not go away after claimed it..
    already did reboot device or troubleshooting link above.

  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    I literally just got a new iPhone and manually set it up (instead of using a backup) and the issue is still there. It has to be a server side issue.
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