Dash Back After Special Not working [Fix in Progress]



  • Jayan23Jayan23 Member Posts: 26
    My six star shards are missing from six star crystal section since from the last update. Found this yesterday when checking for shard count.
  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    Wow, this was a fast fix, I applaud you
  • RedRoosterRedRooster Member Posts: 337 ★★

    We totally understand that, but sometimes we just don't have information to share. We would love to be able to update you guys constantly on any topic, but we can only do so when there is new information to share, and we do our best to make sure that we keep you all updated on any issues or topics as progress is made or information is made available!

    In a case like this where we were able to take quick action to fix a problem, it was a lot easier for us to let you all know what's happening, but in the case of some bugs or issues, this can take a little longer. Sometimes, investigation or testing can take longer than we would all hope it would, and that means we just don't have any information to share with you all. This doesn't mean that we're not making progress, just that we don't have any information on progress to post!

    Not that I want to draw the ire of a forum mod, but this thread was allowed to accumulate 15+ pages of posts without a forum mod stepping in to comment. Not having new information is not a sufficient reason for not stepping in at least to calm the masses. With a far reaching issue, perception is everything.

    The main issue was that people could see mods closing/merging or deleting duplicate threads, but not saying anything on this one. It may not have been the intention, but the perception was that the issue was being ignored and the more it was ignored, the greater the perception was that it was intentional.

    It would not have taken much effort to mitigate the ill will generated by the bug and perceived lack of response. It wouldn't have required new information, just a quick note to tell us that you're all still on the case, even if it was just an acknowledgement of the bug. All we had was the boilerplate response.

    I would accept that 24-48 hours is a reasonable response time for a fix, given none of us know what was changed to cause the issue, nor what code needed to be reverted or refactored to get it resolved.

    I would also like to acknowledge that support is probably the most thankless job. No one messages you to give you good news, nor even thanks you when you've done a good job. Additionally you're put in the painful position of relaying information about something that you have no control over the outcome or time-frame. And to be honest, it is terribly easy for us to shoot the messenger because that is what we have control over.

  • wappykidwappykid Member Posts: 94
    howard's sp1 he waits to get back into to robot
  • wappykidwappykid Member Posts: 94
  • hmrjhmrj Member Posts: 5
    Didn't read all, but i found a new bug.
    2nd specials aren't working sometimes, in arena.
    Pressing the button, power drains but nothing happens. Happened twice spiderman classic and mordo.
    Android device.
  • ArsenalPrimeArsenalPrime Member Posts: 15
    4* OML s1 fail, 3* Dormammu S2 fail, 3* Karnak S1 fail . All in vs arenas
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike thanks for the quick fix on that special issue. My blood pressure has dropped a lot lol
  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    Now please take a look to dash in -> parry. It's broken.
  • Stone_StrykerStone_Stryker Member Posts: 2
    I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Android OS. I am having problems with special attacks not going off and drain all power when that happens. Not all of the time, but mostly. Also problems with delayed blocks, as well as dash backs and dash forward
  • Stone_StrykerStone_Stryker Member Posts: 2
    Also, I was not able to access my alliance potions during war. (That didn't seem like it was part of the same issue) but they were there in my inventory, and I used them next war. All issues seem intermittent except delayed movement
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    seriously after maintenance my champ punches the air instead of dashback sometimes, just got me destroyed against boss in aq, WTF
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