Duplicate or not duplicate, who to rank?

So the Mulaney challenge brought me a 6* Venom. I also got a 5* Venom, duped with sig 60 or so who are sitting on rank 4 right now. If I remember correctly he was my second rank 4. Now I have around 12 rank 5/rank 2 champs.
Since venom is an answer to three variants and overall awesome. I could see myself ta taking Venom to R3 if the t5cc would fall that way.
Do I rank 5 my 5* or do I take my 6* to rank 2? Upcoming content is variant and 6.3 and 6.4.
Since venom is an answer to three variants and overall awesome. I could see myself ta taking Venom to R3 if the t5cc would fall that way.
Do I rank 5 my 5* or do I take my 6* to rank 2? Upcoming content is variant and 6.3 and 6.4.
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