Act 7.2 Beta for players who haven’t beaten Act 5 but not for players who beat Act 7.1?



  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★
    Why do people think Kabam owes them an explanation on every little thing they do?
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★

    Why do people think Kabam owes them an explanation on every little thing they do?

    Because people play their game.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited February 2021
    Decent arguments either way but people have a point, if someone hasn’t finished act 5, they will almost certainly not provide any feedback for this beta.
    Not to mention that it’s locked to 5*s and 6*s (presumably as it will be when released) while they’re likely still working primarily on a 4* roster.
    So ideally these betas for book 2 should at the very least be limited to those that at least have the cavalier title.
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69
    RDMN said:

    RDMN said:

    Personally I explored 7.1 and would love to do beta testing for 7.2 but instead that spot was chosen (maybe at random, maybe not, we don't know) for someone that is just gonna exit it as soon as he enters it because it's too op for him.

    I'm not complaining...

    You say you aren't complaining but you've also admitted your gripe with this is that you would like to do the 7.2 beta and you think others deserve it less.
    RDMN said:

    ....I'm just saying there's probably more accurate results to be had by selecting players that actually finished content leading up to the thing that's being tested.

    You would have a point here if Kabam actually hadn't select players that finished the preceding content but in fact they did. They've chosen plenty of people who are past whatever point of completion you personally believe is acceptable. They've just also included those who haven't so they could get data ranging across the entire playerbase. Even if they made it so that every single person who has completed 7.1 was automatically allowed to participate in the beta, there still wouldn't be any good reason to not also include players farther behind to join. There's no such thing as too much sample data. Every piece of extra data just increases the overall accuracy. Testing is done best when using multiple groups with different conditions to more clearly see what affect the variable has (in this case, 7.2 gameplay). If you only test one group, you don't know if certain outcomes are actually caused by the variable or not.

    For example, what if people in act 5 do exactly what you say? They quit and just complain they don't like it because it's too hard, but those with further progression seem to enjoy the content much more and think the difficulty is adequate. Well then they know far more certainly that those lower players were mainly having trouble with the skill gap of the content and will most likely no longer have issues once they reach the content authentically through their own increase of skill.

    Or what if those who completed act 6 or 7.1 complain 7.2 is too easy. Kabam would learn from that feedback that they should increase the difficulty, but by how much should they increase it. Well what if it turns out, even the act 5 players consider the content to be decently easy. Now Kabam has much more data to gauge just how much to tweak the difficulty. If even the lesser skilled players with lower completion find the gameplay easy, then the difficulty likely needs a much larger increase to make it an adequate difficulty level to represent its place in the player's progression.

    They have chosen players that reached the content, but adding players outside those parameters still provide evidence that helps Kabam evaluate the quality of the content. It's always better to collect more data than necessary than it is to collect the bare minimum you need. And you not getting chosen isn't a fault with the beta
    You're kinda missing my point, I don't have a problem with not getting chosen over someone else, it's really not as personal for me as you seem to have understood it.

    It doesn't have to be me that's doing the testing and that's part of my point. I used myself as an example of someone who's finished the content leading up to what's being tested, willing to do beta and not being selected to do it over players that aren't even going to try it because it's too far down the line for them. That's not having 'too much sample data', it's quite the opposite.

    There's a lot of what if's you mention but again, if we had more transparency from kabam other than seemingly random people being invited, there wouldn't be a need for guessing.
    And you're kinda missing the point that the beta test isn't for you to collect information, it's for Kabam to collect information. All you need to worry about is the results given in the form of the eventual released version. No survey or beta worth a damn can ever guarantee 100% participation, but that's why sample sizes are meant to be large. You aim to get as many replies as possible and even all the people who don't reply still get factored into the results of surveys/feedback. I'm not saying you are personally offended by not getting chosen, but you are using the fact that YOU aren't chosen as evidence that you think they are wasting spots. And YOU not getting chosen is not Kabam's problem, it's yours. Because guess who isn't complaining about wasted spots? All the people who
    RDMN said:

    finished the content leading up to what's being tested, willing to do beta

    that have been selected for the beta. Because the mere fact that Kabam has started the beta shows that they achieved a sample size they deem sufficient for testing. Like I said, even if they opened up the beta to literally every single player in the entire world that has completed 7.1, there is still absolutely no reason for them to NOT add lower progression players to the beta. There is no wasted spots because when determining sample sizes you set sizes for each category separately. No matter how many spots are given to players who completed 7.1, there's always extra spots to add other players. What you fail to understand is that it's not a case of either/or, they can and do have BOTH!
    RDMN said:

    There's a lot of what if's you mention but again, if we had more transparency from kabam other than seemingly random people being invited, there wouldn't be a need for guessing.

    My "what if's" were me trying to explain to you simple reasons for why it makes no sense to limit your sample data to one particular demographic. As a researcher or developer of any kind, you only hinder yourself by not comparing data from different demographics. And I hate to break it to you, but you aren't apart of the beta. You are not running it nor participating in it. So there's no reason to bother guessing how the beta works because that information isn't for you. The people running a beta only have to explain the beta to the people participating in it.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    edited February 2021
    I have been a beta tester for Act 7.1 (twice) and now 7.2.

    You aren't missing anything, to be honest, that you cannot easily see/learn watching a Youtuber do it.

    The ability to gauge content difficulty does not depend on how far you have gotten in MCOC. Kabam knows what info it needs and how to choose players to test. Maybe if someone who is simply Cavalier can easily beat a path, that lets Kabam know to make it harder. Or maybe that player exposes how niche the roster requirements are for a certain boss. Etc.
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★

    I have been a beta tester for Act 7.1 (twice) and now 7.2.

    You aren't missing anything, to be honest, that you cannot easily see/learn watching a Youtuber do it.

    The ability to gauge content difficulty does not depend on how far you have gotten in MCOC. Kabam knows what info it needs and how to choose players to test. Maybe if someone who is simply Cavalier can easily beat a path, that lets Kabam know to make it harder. Or maybe that player exposes how niche the roster requirements are for a certain boss. Etc.

    Agreed. I myself haven’t been invited to any betas at all since the very beginning, and it’s not a problem for me. Kabam has chosen players from both sides of the cavalier divide to provide feedback that would be meaningful in how to tweak the challenge of 7.2 to as close to a so called “sweet spot” as possible.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Never seen so many people fighting to do an unpaid job. :smiley:
    Chill out guys, I have not been invited to a single beta and its not a big deal. It's Kabam's choice as to who they want to invite and need to take feedback from.
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