Act 7.2 Beta for players who haven’t beaten Act 5 but not for players who beat Act 7.1?

Superman_BlueSuperman_Blue Member Posts: 123
edited February 2021 in General Discussion
How are players who haven’t even beat act 5 in the Act 7.2 Beta and players like myself who have beaten 7.1 100% not? I think it’s random when they pick people but for Beta”s like this it should really be more player specific. It doesn’t help Kabam with feedback when you have players who are nowhere near 7.2 in the Beta and not players who are up to act 7 or book 2 whatever you choose to call it. Just really curious on why this beta is like this. I can understand a beta for a champ buff but not when it comes to a progression based situation like this.


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  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    are there really players who haven't beaten act 5 in the beta? Also I don't think they put any Thronebreakers in the beta that I know of

    I’m thronebreaker and I’m in the beta
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  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    are there really players who haven't beaten act 5 in the beta? Also I don't think they put any Thronebreakers in the beta that I know of

    A few of the people in my alliance that got in are Thronebreaker
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    This argument comes up often. The best feedback to look at is a range. Not just ONLY those that have done everything 100%. Also not ALL those that have. As DNA referenced, the problem with Act 6 and previous Book 1 stemmed from setting the bar for those who have done everything only. Sure, they'll be the most immediate people to do it. Only, this is permanent content that's meant for everyone to work towards. Not just people who are at the top and done all there is to do. Using that as the only gauge ended up making it harder and harder for those who were growing into it. It created a perpetual progress gap.
    Having a range of feedback is best. Not only those who are ready to do it, but also those close. Act 5 may be a while away, but even that data gives a long-term trajectory. There's a general fear that they're taking the feedback of people much less advanced over the feedback of those done everything, and that's not really the case. Things are seen from their source. Meaning, they can tell where it's coming from.
    As for people who didn't get in, not everyone who is done everything will always be invited. It entirely depends on what feedback they're looking for.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    RDMN said:

    If kabam was actually transparent with the player base and said why they choose certain level of players that realistically aren't close to completing the content they're supposed to test, we would at least understand why they do it and not have these discussions.

    Personally I explored 7.1 and would love to do beta testing for 7.2 but instead that spot was chosen (maybe at random, maybe not, we don't know) for someone that is just gonna exit it as soon as he enters it because it's too op for him.

    I'm not complaining, im just saying there's probably more accurate results to be had by selecting players that actually finished content leading up to the thing that's being tested. But again we don't know, as nothing is being said to us by kabam other than getting a random invite to join beta testing.

    No, we still would. Some people are not happy they weren't asked and others were with less progression. I mean it's understandable when someone wants in, but there's always going to be some people in and some not.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,467 Guardian
    RDMN said:

    I'm not complaining, im just saying there's probably more accurate results to be had by selecting players that actually finished content leading up to the thing that's being tested. But again we don't know, as nothing is being said to us by kabam other than getting a random invite to join beta testing.

    Define "accurate." Beta testers have two jobs: to test the content, and to offer their opinions on the content. The first one has accuracy associated with it: better testers can give more accurate test results. The second has no accuracy associated with it: no one's subjective opinion on the content can be inaccurate.

    Any player who is too low or too unskilled to actually complete the content cannot offer any meaningful test results. Their feedback in this area is by definition not going to be inaccurate, because it will be absent. So there is no source of inaccuracy from these types of players.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    it's just a joke mate

    those who haven't 100% Act 7.1 should not get the Beta at all
    In Fact it should be from the fastest 5k or So that first did 100% if there are
    i believe only noobs are getting the Beta .. i mean ... Come on
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    RDMN said:

    RDMN said:

    If kabam was actually transparent with the player base and said why they choose certain level of players that realistically aren't close to completing the content they're supposed to test, we would at least understand why they do it and not have these discussions.

    Personally I explored 7.1 and would love to do beta testing for 7.2 but instead that spot was chosen (maybe at random, maybe not, we don't know) for someone that is just gonna exit it as soon as he enters it because it's too op for him.

    I'm not complaining, im just saying there's probably more accurate results to be had by selecting players that actually finished content leading up to the thing that's being tested. But again we don't know, as nothing is being said to us by kabam other than getting a random invite to join beta testing.

    No, we still would. Some people are not happy they weren't asked and others were with less progression. I mean it's understandable when someone wants in, but there's always going to be some people in and some not.
    I feel like sometimes you disagree with people here just for the sake of it. If kabam gave an actual reason why or how they select beta testers, we wouldn't be asking the question we had the answer to. Some maybe wouldn't agree with it, but that's a different argument
    If they gave the actual reason, people would argue it just the same as me giving the reasoning. They want a variety of progression feedback.
    Marie Antoinette had similar ideals.
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  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    I didn't get in. :'(:'(
    Pls Kabam. All I want to do is test the content and solo it with 6 star rank 3 Sentry.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    If this content was solely for people who have done everything, then there would be validity to the argument, but it's not. It's not just for people who are ready to do it the day it comes out. It's permanent content, and part of the goals of it is to be something that people can work towards and grow into. One perspective is not going to speak for that.
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69
    RDMN said:

    Personally I explored 7.1 and would love to do beta testing for 7.2 but instead that spot was chosen (maybe at random, maybe not, we don't know) for someone that is just gonna exit it as soon as he enters it because it's too op for him.

    I'm not complaining...

    You say you aren't complaining but you've also admitted your gripe with this is that you would like to do the 7.2 beta and you think others deserve it less.
    RDMN said:

    ....I'm just saying there's probably more accurate results to be had by selecting players that actually finished content leading up to the thing that's being tested.

    You would have a point here if Kabam actually hadn't select players that finished the preceding content but in fact they did. They've chosen plenty of people who are past whatever point of completion you personally believe is acceptable. They've just also included those who haven't so they could get data ranging across the entire playerbase. Even if they made it so that every single person who has completed 7.1 was automatically allowed to participate in the beta, there still wouldn't be any good reason to not also include players farther behind to join. There's no such thing as too much sample data. Every piece of extra data just increases the overall accuracy. Testing is done best when using multiple groups with different conditions to more clearly see what affect the variable has (in this case, 7.2 gameplay). If you only test one group, you don't know if certain outcomes are actually caused by the variable or not.

    For example, what if people in act 5 do exactly what you say? They quit and just complain they don't like it because it's too hard, but those with further progression seem to enjoy the content much more and think the difficulty is adequate. Well then they know far more certainly that those lower players were mainly having trouble with the skill gap of the content and will most likely no longer have issues once they reach the content authentically through their own increase of skill.

    Or what if those who completed act 6 or 7.1 complain 7.2 is too easy. Kabam would learn from that feedback that they should increase the difficulty, but by how much should they increase it. Well what if it turns out, even the act 5 players consider the content to be decently easy. Now Kabam has much more data to gauge just how much to tweak the difficulty. If even the lesser skilled players with lower completion find the gameplay easy, then the difficulty likely needs a much larger increase to make it an adequate difficulty level to represent its place in the player's progression.

    They have chosen players that reached the content, but adding players outside those parameters still provide evidence that helps Kabam evaluate the quality of the content. It's always better to collect more data than necessary than it is to collect the bare minimum you need. And you not getting chosen isn't a fault with the beta
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Yeah their logic in giving out these betas is crazy I have no clue how they select it.

    In my experience with beta tests in other games, it is not uncommon for the players selected to be chosen at random from across the playerbase.

    You always want a set of testers who the content is currently geared for, and the test pool certainly includes those. But you also often want some "outside eyes" looking at the content that aren't in a position to do it yet. If you only gather feedback from the people who can do the content right now, in this case that's only the highest tier players in the game. But Act 7.2 isn't just for them, it is technically for everyone; the people at the top of the vanguard who will tackle it on day one, and also the people who are not as strong and will do it later. If you don't get any feedback at all from those players, you'd be tailoring content meant for everyone to do based solely on a tiny subset of the playerbase.

    Of course, people assume that those people have nothing of value to contribute, or they'll just complain the content is "too hard" or whatever. But that's not the case. Feedback is for the devs to read and then make of it what they want. If a player that isn't ready for the content yet only complains the content is too hard, that feedback won't be taken seriously. For that matter, if a player that is ready for the content only complains the content is too hard, that feedback will also probably not be taken seriously. But what do they think about the bosses, what they think about the nodes, what they think about the structure of the content itself, those are things that is valuable to know, even from players who won't be doing the content on day one.

    Put it this way: when 6.1 first released, a lot of people complained about the 5* gate. Was that complaint only valid from the people who were ready to do the content? If someone who was recently UC and still working through 5.3 complained that they felt that gate was not something they were going to enjoy, would that feedback be completely invalid coming from them?

    The people ready to do 7.2 on day one can offer their feedback on how the content plays, how difficult it is relative to a top progress player. The players not ready to do the content yet can offer their feedback on how 7.2 compares to what they are doing now, and whether they are looking forward to doing it; whether they are more optimistic about the future content direction compared to Act 6.

    Because players are chosen (in part) randomly, of course you'll get people chosen for the beta who might not be well suited for beta testing. That's just part of the price to pay to try to get a reasonable random cross section of players to represent the playerbase. But there is a logic to picking players both from among the pool of players likely to tackle the content immediately and also from outside that pool. And sometimes the pool might be wider than it should be, but that's all part of learning what works best. In terms of closed beta tests, Kabam is still very new to the idea, and still figuring out how they want to run them. Some experimentation is to be expected.
    I can agree for the most part with all you said. But there should be a cutoff line for who’s in the beta for this. People who haven’t at least done a competition run of act 6 shouldn’t really be in the act 7.2 beta. I say this because to experience act 6 even if it’s just a run through with one path done per chapter, they can relate to the different nodes and complications of having a specific roster. Where as act 5 you can pretty much use anyone. If this were a new content beta like something brand new like how variant was when it first came out then yes everyone should be invited to the beta. But this is end game content. And no not everyone who beat 7.1 on day 1 or just today should be invited to participate, but those from that level of player down to those who have act 6 completion should be the ones really in it. Anyone else is just a honest waste of space for this beta with all respect. That’s like having someone who is struggling in a silver bracket of war do a beta for a masters bracket level of war lol
    I'll do you one better. How about asking a player who doesn't do war at all to beta test a new iteration of war. Is that worthless? It is, if you think the only purpose of testing war is to have someone tell you if a buff is broken or if a path identity is reasonable or if the map is easier or harder.

    But what if you want to grow the base of players that are doing war at all? Who do you ask: the people playing it now, or the people *not* playing it now?

    The devs were almost certainly seeing people "participate" in Act 6 at a lower level than Act 5 in terms of running it and exploring it, and they saw the backlash from the first 7.1 beta as an extension of that trend. The revamped 7.1 and now 7.2 isn't just about getting the difficulty correct, it is about making the content more enjoyable to play, to "increase participation" in it. And who do you talk to when you want to increase participation in game content: the people already doing it?
    War is accessable almost at any progression level. Iirc, you can join alliance after reaching lvl 5 or something like that. So the cutoff would be level 5. The war tier is a different thing, and if they want more people to fight for higher tiers, it would make scene to include people from lower tiers. On the other hand, if tiers are mostly stale, asking people from other tiers would be useless, as they don't have experience playing higher tiers, so they can't say what it's like atm. As for lower tiers, I don't think kabam changes anything except map layout there.
    Act 7 is not accessible before act 6 completion. One could assume content completion would give you some new resources, helping to develope your account and make following content doable. Like, imagine act 6 beta with people who only completed act 4 and don't have any 5* champs.
  • Destroyer123Destroyer123 Member Posts: 368 ★★
    edited February 2021

    This argument comes up often. The best feedback to look at is a range. Not just ONLY those that have done everything 100%. Also not ALL those that have. As DNA referenced, the problem with Act 6 and previous Book 1 stemmed from setting the bar for those who have done everything only. Sure, they'll be the most immediate people to do it. Only, this is permanent content that's meant for everyone to work towards. Not just people who are at the top and done all there is to do. Using that as the only gauge ended up making it harder and harder for those who were growing into it. It created a perpetual progress gap.
    Having a range of feedback is best. Not only those who are ready to do it, but also those close. Act 5 may be a while away, but even that data gives a long-term trajectory. There's a general fear that they're taking the feedback of people much less advanced over the feedback of those done everything, and that's not really the case. Things are seen from their source. Meaning, they can tell where it's coming from.
    As for people who didn't get in, not everyone who is done everything will always be invited. It entirely depends on what feedback they're looking for.

    But that’s how we ended up with 7.1 which was an itemless joke of a week to finish with no real challenge at all I’d prefer more act 6
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