Rogue's life steal

TomerPTomerP Member Posts: 94
Original thread:

Since I didn't get to comment at my original thread, that was locked by a moderator prematurely, I'd like to provide my comments about Rogue's life steal and the way it is implemented at the moment.

Currently, whenever you're using Rogue's special attack 1 on the enemy and Rogue 'steals' more life than the target has, the target dies but Rogue doesn't actually earn any health, although she was supposed to steal it. Now, this might not be a bug, but it doesn't make much sense and it is also a bit annoying when you're doing long/hard quests and you need any piece of HP that you can gather.

My suggestion is that you'll change it so Rogue will gain life based on whatever HP the enemy still has.


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    It has always been that way and Mods have commented on it before but I can't remember if they said it was not a bug but they might change it in the future. It is the same way with ghost rider and doctor strange and its because the life steal hit does the damage first then regens health though it looks like they happen at the same time and since the damage knocks out the opponent the fight ends and the regen doesn't kick in
  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    I get what you're saying, but that's just the way it is. When the opponent dies, HP stops changing. It's like arguing about a rule in checkers, it's just the rule of the game.

    This rule actually works in the players' favor in a couple of ways, too. When Punisher's sig ability keeps him alive with no health, Rogue's life steal can still get a lot of health from him. She's just attacking, then getting health for the same amount as her attack, even though there's actually nothing to steal. Similarly, Black Bolt's special 2 does damage to him, but not if the enemy dies first.

    It doesn't make total sense, sure, but that's how the game works. It's not worth trying to convince the devs to change it.
  • TomerPTomerP Member Posts: 94
    Because it doesn't make sense, it should be fixed. I know one of the mods claimed this was not a bug, but it still doesn't mean this behavior should remain in the code, when it shouldn't be too hard to fix.
  • Vis123456789Vis123456789 Member Posts: 69
    But it is the same principle as when u use a sp2 to kill your opponent but u should die as well due to that dodgy suicide mystery that makes u lose 5 percent life per special attack.
  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    No, it makes perfect sense. In boxing, when the bell rings, the round is over. That's where we get the expression "Saved by the bell", even if the boxer passes out immediately after the bell rings, it doesn't matter, the round already ended. This is the same rule. When the match ends, HP stops changing.

    It's not the rule you want, it's not the rule I want, but it isn't unreasonable.
  • TomerPTomerP Member Posts: 94
    It doesn't make sense, because the two actions should happen simultaneously. There's not one without the other.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    It is not a bug, and will not be changed. When the opponent is knocked out, all effects cease to exist. You don't gain more power, you don't lose any more health, etc.

    This is not changeable, since it's a huge rule of the game. It's easy to want our favourite champs to be even better, but that doesn't mean that it will happpen.
This discussion has been closed.