Please read important!

Please read this it is 100% true
So basically, I was playing mcoc about 6 months ago and I was mad because I wasn't doing so good. So yes I downloaded a hack and used it to beat a path of labyrinth. After this, I was banned for 7 days and the rewards were removed from my account. I was fine by this. However, I logged on the next day and I was perm banned. Customer support did not under the circumstances and just told me to stop trying. But basically, I removed the hack after the temp ban because I knew it was wrong. Also note I have been playing for over 2 years and spent over $500 on units and packs. Recently I have been remembering mcoc more and more and I was hoping that someone at Kabam would realize what happened.
So basically, I was playing mcoc about 6 months ago and I was mad because I wasn't doing so good. So yes I downloaded a hack and used it to beat a path of labyrinth. After this, I was banned for 7 days and the rewards were removed from my account. I was fine by this. However, I logged on the next day and I was perm banned. Customer support did not under the circumstances and just told me to stop trying. But basically, I removed the hack after the temp ban because I knew it was wrong. Also note I have been playing for over 2 years and spent over $500 on units and packs. Recently I have been remembering mcoc more and more and I was hoping that someone at Kabam would realize what happened.
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Also the 7day bans are issued first. they need to investigate if what someone reported you for is true. Which you just willingly admitted it is. So you won’t be getting any pity on these forums brotatochip, sorry
Well now you have the opportunity to play completely legit, from the beginning, like the rest of us
It is just a click bait.