Why is Parry still an issue days later?? What is the FIRM timeline to complete and fix?

HarryBoschHarryBosch Member Posts: 78

When will there be a fix for this parry issue? Your next sprint?

It shouldn't wait that long. This is a GLARING issue that has completely disrupted the game yet you still havent submitted a patch to fix this issue. To me, this shows:1. you dont care enough aka no urgency and/or 2. you dont have the personnel/engineers to fix this.

BOTH are bad problems for you. I played AQ and AW yesterday. I had seven (7) MISSED FN PARRIES! I just had 3 missed parries today and died in AQ...

What I dont understand is you've raised over $250M in funding, owned by Netmarble...yet operate this game similar to a mom and pop local gas station. The technical issues with this game is straight up embarrassing for a TECH company, especially for almost 12 months...


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