1* Colossus

So as we all know, Colossus is a top tier champ after his buff, but the 1* version carries the old version, initially I wasn’t sure what to think. But then I noticed that the Black Panther buff carried over to the 1*, my assumption is issues with Colossus being too OP that early on, and by no means am I saying the new BP is on par with Colossus( Although he is really good I enjoy playing BP a lot now ) why have Colossus in his pre buff form when both Gamora and Black Panthers buffs have carried over?
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How often are you breaking out your 1* Colossus that this is such a big deal? One chapter in V4... he's not even the make or break champ like 1* Hulk.
He was trying to say that you acquire parry as a mastery, but day one everyone has the potential to intercept, there is no intercept mastery to unlock. Note that is not the same as having the skill of intercepting. Skill is the having the ability to do something reliably and effectively. Randomly performing intercepts is not equivalent to having the skill.
IF they buffed 1* Colossus, he would be able to "parry" the player without them having learnt parry.
Poorly worded communication is easy to twist.
One example would be how poorly gwenpool’s sig ability is described in the game. Zero detail about how her AA reduction scales or even works. It’s been like that for what, three years or more?
Buffed 1* Colossus, even unawakened, would be able to stun on well timed block. The don't want that in Act 1 content.
@AverageDesi Apparently in Act 1... since someone did a run through. All I'm doing is explaining the context that was given instead of taking it out of context as others seem to want to do.
So my question is, where is 1* buffed Colossus being used that it's a gamechanger and demands the buff?
But besides all that, let's just say for a moment that one was buffed as well, the idea of a 1 Star in Act 1 with some of the Most Basic AI Possible being able to Parry someone is again Completely Laughable! Then in the Miniscule Chance that it did get a Parry off, it would then just sit there Blocking or doing Nothing just like Basic AI always does...