huge bummer that he would do it with hoff instead of someone who actually brings something positive to the community like a brian grant (or honestly, almost ANYONE else)
I would argue that this interview is something positive that prof brought to the community. Prof is a journalist or teaches it I think. At least he's brought it up a lot. And I thought this interview was well done. Time was managed, questions were asked and all within an hour. I'm not sure that other content creators would've/did reach out to him and want to interview him, not sure if they had the time. And perhaps they wouldn't have the know how to do so. I would rather be happy that we got to hear from a kabam employee in a positive way then be disappointed with the interviewer.
I won’t click on his channel so I won’t see it. The interview may be solid, but this is a guy that brings so much negativity and damages the community so much that it’s just very sad that KB would choose him
sounds like a you issue to me.. "prof hoff makes revenue off other people's videos" would be fair, but bringing "so much" negativity, eh..? not exactly.. he's not well aware of things for sure, but doesnt look/sound evil with his intentions..
well when you've put out videos that are at best dishonest and at worst deliberately lying and you do it over and over and over again, i consider it to be intentional
This is going to sound harsh, but he’s not malicious just stupid. It’s not like he’s thinking “Ooh, this isn’t true but I’m going to post it anyways because I want to trick people into hating Kabam”. He genuinely thinks that he’s doing the right thing. Now, he’s almost always wrong, but he’s not doing to be malicious
If he spending more time one videos and do research what he make a video of but the problem is he doesn’t he just uploaded it just to get it out ASAP with made things bad my opinion but this video here isn’t bad at all
Exactly my thoughts. If he spent at least an hour researching before he posted, about 80% of his videos would never make it past the idea stage.
90% of the videos are crystal openings though
Yeah but even in openings, he says very questionable stuff about champions. Just the other day he was commentating an opening where someone pulled a Jabari Panther.
It goes like this: "I, I really don't know if she's good. Like, I don't know anyone that uses her. I think I have her *eye twitch* and don't use her. If you took her out of the game, it might be years before I noticed. I probably would never notice *shrugs*."
Jabari Panther is a great champion 😭 I don't care if anybody uses her, that's not the defining measure of a champion's potential in the game.
See, I really like Prof Hoff the person, but he needs to realize that saying stuff like this to his followers is going to cause an effect. He creates a lot of Prof Minions who come back here and regurgitate what they've heard over the forum. And this forum is filled with really, really experienced players who aren't going to receive these opinions well.
I am not going to tell Prof how to do what he does. Again, I like Prof the person, but if he continues posting and spreading information without doing his due diligence, you can expect him to continue receiving this sort of reaction from the vets.
In other news, KB said the last character he has designed has been guessed right on twitter although it's "convoluted" and only a "skewed reference". So I stalked his twitter like a weirdo and found this:
Who do you think he's referring to? My first guess was Superior Spider-Man and he does kind of fit in the puzzle we got a few months ago. Right here
We've just had Spider-Man 2099. Would they add another Spider-Man so soon? And what of the Eternals movie?
huge bummer that he would do it with hoff instead of someone who actually brings something positive to the community like a brian grant (or honestly, almost ANYONE else)
I would argue that this interview is something positive that prof brought to the community. Prof is a journalist or teaches it I think. At least he's brought it up a lot. And I thought this interview was well done. Time was managed, questions were asked and all within an hour. I'm not sure that other content creators would've/did reach out to him and want to interview him, not sure if they had the time. And perhaps they wouldn't have the know how to do so. I would rather be happy that we got to hear from a kabam employee in a positive way then be disappointed with the interviewer.
I won’t click on his channel so I won’t see it. The interview may be solid, but this is a guy that brings so much negativity and damages the community so much that it’s just very sad that KB would choose him
sounds like a you issue to me.. "prof hoff makes revenue off other people's videos" would be fair, but bringing "so much" negativity, eh..? not exactly.. he's not well aware of things for sure, but doesnt look/sound evil with his intentions..
How about when he made videos on the symbiote supreme "nerf" that was actually a bug fix that made him better, certainly created a lot of negativity in the player base until seatin released a video with the actual information proving prof was promoting misinformation.
Or how about literally a day after the death of chadwick boseman he made a video about how kabam needs to buff black panther now. I'd say exploiting the death of another person for quick clicks and views is done with bad intentions
How about when he intentionally peddles conspiracy theories about crystal drop rates and pulls in dozens of videos to thousands of players in an RNG based collection game where some are bound to be frustrated with bad pulls. Certainly creates unneeded negativity and is done at the very least with malicious ignorance if not intentional conspiracy promotion.
Boy, this thread went down an interesting road. Obviously, everyone has their opinion and they are entitled to it.
Personally I disagree with the notion that he constantly lies and is this terribly negative person. I actually like watching his gut reactions to all of the different offers that Kabam puts out practically every day. He takes a very pragmatic view and works to be as historically informative as he can be. Some days he rips Kabam for being greedy, some days he compliments them for whatever they did Sure, he makes mistakes (so does everyone else...welcome to the world of youtube) but I like his perspective. Its nice to have a counter view to Rich or any of the other youtubers I watch on occasion.
While I applaud your research, I really, really don't think it's Superior Spider-Man. We just had two, and we'll be getting another Spider-Man event in December for No Way Home
The fact he said it had already been guessed is interesting. Looking through all the responses the main guesses are Shadow King, Onslaught, 7.3 Kang, Anti-Venok and Knull. There were a few shots in the dark like Beta Ray Bill and Throg, or even Magus
However, we need to look at all the evidence in context.
We know Anti-Venom is coming. There is literally no one else that synergy partner for Mr Negative would be. I think we can assume he's the small question mark on the right-hand side of the puzzle. Anti-Venom is not the kind of character that would get a massive question mark like we have
I think it's also safe to assume the character we're looking for is that massive question mark. No character with a small question mark is getting teased for a month in advance. This is a Thanos, Apoc, Prof X level question mark. And that question mark is connected to almost every symbiote in the game.
Then we have the in-game teasers. These are where things start to get confusing. The letters are written in the language of the symbiotes. I know everyone was saying it was written in Krakoan. I believe this is a mistake. Look at Prof X's synergy icons. We can clearly see the Krakoan language to be this alphabet:
The coded messages are in Symbiote alphabet. I will die on that hill. The symbiote alphabet is this:
It is specifically the Knull alphabet. Considering the messages speak of eternal darkness, nightmares and slumber, this has to be Knull. I know Knull has no direct connection to nightmares, but he was trapped in a slumber at the heart of Klyntar. Plus we can see dark tendrils beginning to appear in the second message.
Now, it can't be Knull, Broccoli deconfirmed him right?
Well, maybe not. The specific reply chain follows someone asking whether Knull is the gift that Broccoli left us, and he said no to that. He didn't say Knull wasn't coming directly, it seems to instead imply that Knull is not his gift to us. He's also said that he wasn't dropping hints so he could have just been straight up lying
So what did Broccoli make? Well, he pointed out something he said was important. Champion designers only do a champ every 2 months, and he just did Kitty. Due to this, I am confident Broccoli actually designed a boss fight. Now he said it wasn't a 7.3 boss. Is he lying? I don't know. It's coming in October anyway.
But for the champ coming with Anti-Venom to not be Knull would blow my mind at this point
On a side note, I really enjoyed the interview. Prof did a decent job I think (as a Journalism student) although I think he cut off Broccol at a few points and it felt like he was more reading a list of questiosn rather than letting them flow naturally
@Rookiie I'm with you.
Who do you think he's referring to? My first guess was Superior Spider-Man and he does kind of fit in the puzzle we got a few months ago. Right here
We've just had Spider-Man 2099. Would they add another Spider-Man so soon? And what of the Eternals movie?
I knew it would arrive eventually.
Toss Sp3 and then hit defender while they're stunned and build up bleeds.
Toss a heavy before stun expires to double the bleeds.
Rinse and repeat.
Or how about literally a day after the death of chadwick boseman he made a video about how kabam needs to buff black panther now. I'd say exploiting the death of another person for quick clicks and views is done with bad intentions
How about when he intentionally peddles conspiracy theories about crystal drop rates and pulls in dozens of videos to thousands of players in an RNG based collection game where some are bound to be frustrated with bad pulls. Certainly creates unneeded negativity and is done at the very least with malicious ignorance if not intentional conspiracy promotion.
Personally I disagree with the notion that he constantly lies and is this terribly negative person. I actually like watching his gut reactions to all of the different offers that Kabam puts out practically every day. He takes a very pragmatic view and works to be as historically informative as he can be. Some days he rips Kabam for being greedy, some days he compliments them for whatever they did Sure, he makes mistakes (so does everyone else...welcome to the world of youtube) but I like his perspective. Its nice to have a counter view to Rich or any of the other youtubers I watch on occasion.
The fact he said it had already been guessed is interesting. Looking through all the responses the main guesses are Shadow King, Onslaught, 7.3 Kang, Anti-Venok and Knull. There were a few shots in the dark like Beta Ray Bill and Throg, or even Magus
However, we need to look at all the evidence in context.
We know Anti-Venom is coming. There is literally no one else that synergy partner for Mr Negative would be. I think we can assume he's the small question mark on the right-hand side of the puzzle. Anti-Venom is not the kind of character that would get a massive question mark like we have
I think it's also safe to assume the character we're looking for is that massive question mark. No character with a small question mark is getting teased for a month in advance. This is a Thanos, Apoc, Prof X level question mark. And that question mark is connected to almost every symbiote in the game.
Then we have the in-game teasers. These are where things start to get confusing. The letters are written in the language of the symbiotes. I know everyone was saying it was written in Krakoan. I believe this is a mistake. Look at Prof X's synergy icons. We can clearly see the Krakoan language to be this alphabet:
The coded messages are in Symbiote alphabet. I will die on that hill. The symbiote alphabet is this:
It is specifically the Knull alphabet. Considering the messages speak of eternal darkness, nightmares and slumber, this has to be Knull. I know Knull has no direct connection to nightmares, but he was trapped in a slumber at the heart of Klyntar. Plus we can see dark tendrils beginning to appear in the second message.
Now, it can't be Knull, Broccoli deconfirmed him right?
Well, maybe not. The specific reply chain follows someone asking whether Knull is the gift that Broccoli left us, and he said no to that. He didn't say Knull wasn't coming directly, it seems to instead imply that Knull is not his gift to us. He's also said that he wasn't dropping hints so he could have just been straight up lying
So what did Broccoli make? Well, he pointed out something he said was important. Champion designers only do a champ every 2 months, and he just did Kitty. Due to this, I am confident Broccoli actually designed a boss fight. Now he said it wasn't a 7.3 boss. Is he lying? I don't know. It's coming in October anyway.
But for the champ coming with Anti-Venom to not be Knull would blow my mind at this point
On a side note, I really enjoyed the interview. Prof did a decent job I think (as a Journalism student) although I think he cut off Broccol at a few points and it felt like he was more reading a list of questiosn rather than letting them flow naturally