This is such a terible objective, it makes me discusted. Even my lil sister could come up with a better objective, can’t wait for the terrible excuse "bUt YoU dOn'T hAvE tO dO iT". At this point it feels like Kabam wants to kill the game. Also to add onto this it’s also bugged.
lol like imagine spending time to bring back one of the most requested event (lil symbiote) and then locking a large portion of the summoners from even accessing it
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
It is a massive drain on resources, thankfully though I've pulled so many meme 6* champs over the past 6 months I can do it but for those less fortunate it is a horrendous event.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
How about correcting the current objectives instead? Like idk just do 10 levels with all rewards still
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
But initial ISO and 6* from R2 - R3 is not enough to meet the objectives.
I’ll wait to see if little symbiote friend rank up counts next month.
but if we wait won't that mean we will lose out on some of the rewards? As well what star rank is the little symbiote going to be and how much of a difference will he really make.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
See, this happens WAY too often. How about you actually stop things like this from happening in the first place.
I seriously cannot believe these objectives were approved by a single person at kabam. It's laughable.
Well thank god that we only have to complete 1 objective path to get to the Oct rewards, but honestly. The level up requirements for 5 and 6 stars is ridiculous and poorly timed with the level up event dropping when it did. This is going to be a challenge for some people to complete or force rank up choices based on peoples roster/resources. It's almost like you guys sat in a room and asked yourselves..."How can we annoy the player base today?". Especially with the levels not carrying over to the next objective. I take a character from 1-25....only counts as 10 levels for Objective 1 and 0 goes toward Objective 2. Very annoyed with this. Hopefully the event can be nerfed a bit to make it more reasonable, but I doubt it. It's sad to say that it's what we've come to expect from you.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
like you didnt think forcing players to level *100 6*champions wasn't bad idea in the first place? you already halved the requirements during the second week why couldnt you do that again? have you(the one who made these) ever leveled up a 6* champ?
I think this might just be a problem you’re having. It always counts additional levels past each milestone even if you haven’t claimed them.
It's not just him it happened to me did my 100 levels on 6*s only to find out I was still at completed one on solo. This is bs. Why does kabam always do sneaky this to screw its customers
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
Atleast that's better to hear. But still, it's getting very repetitive. Every time, it's just that 'It will never happen again'. Rather keep in touch with players and actually see the issues. This is for the developers.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
I feel like we have heard this same thing 3 weeks in a row. "this won't happen again", "we will adjust next week"...yadda yadda yadda.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
That is NOT the answer. The answer is "we will give out rewards based on your progression title and unlock October regardless of whether you complete this last objective".
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
That still means we have to at least pull a new 6* character to complete this. If you pull a duplicate character you are out of luck.
300-400 T5 class iso bricks
around 5 million gold
and I spread levels around only getting them to lv 10 - 15 before moving to another champion.
Kabam why?
Went to 35/10 the 25 didn’t flow over to the next one after claiming even after a restart. Seems like this isn’t great.
But initial ISO and 6* from R2 - R3 is not enough to meet the objectives.
I’ll wait to see if little symbiote friend rank up counts next month.
Your feedback is totally valid, and we're gonna make sure this never happens again. As a reminder, you only need to finish the FIRST tier of any of these objectives in any progression level (that's 10x levels, ranks, or new champions/dupes) to unlock the October Side Event.
Like idk just do 10 levels with all rewards still
I need Mutant treasure island SQ stat for the next 2 months as compensation.
This objectives r killing me
I seriously cannot believe these objectives were approved by a single person at kabam. It's laughable.
But still, it's getting very repetitive. Every time, it's just that 'It will never happen again'. Rather keep in touch with players and actually see the issues. This is for the developers.
And to release this 13 hours after a Level Up Event? That really is adding insult to injury!
This morning I took two six star champs too 1/25; probably put 40 levels on between them.
Does no-one at Kabam ever play this game?