Alliance Quest Season 9 and Map 8 - Starting November 19 2021!

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 625
edited October 2021 in News & Announcements


Hello Summoners, we have some new and exciting things coming your way with the release of Season 9! Our team has been working tirelessly on a brand new map that is finally coming your way. Map 8 has a few new mechanics to play around with as well as a new set of themed buffs and repurposed Mini’s and Final bosses for our other maps. Below is a shortlist of the “New things” you will encounter with the release of Season 9:

1. Map 8
  • Layout and Link Node mapping (PDF of Maps attached)
  • New types of Cross-Fight buffs that reward you through skilled play (Will be referred to as CFs).
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fights
    - Boss Killer Cross-Fights
  • Multiple Final Bosses - Use Boss Killer CFs to take down our toughest bosses yet.
  • Improved lane identities that will test player knowledge/skill.
  • Some repeated lane identities to open up rosters for more flexibility.
  • Map 8 Link Node Mapping
2. Removal of the Corvus Timeout Method for Map 8 only (For now).
3. A new set of 5 Themed Global Buffs catered towards the Science class and Spider-Verse-themed champions.
4. Repurposed Mini’s and Final Bosses from previous seasons.
5. Adding back Map Entry Costs (Map 7 & 8 only)
6. Map 8 rewards

Map 8: Supernova

Modifiers for Map 8 will be disabled until further notice. We plan to add custom Modifiers to the map at a later time.

General Info
We are maintaining the regular 3 section map layout with varying numbers of paths for each section. We will be maintaining the same number of Mini-bosses for the first two sections (One for each section) but will have two final bosses in the third and last section.

Portals will break up each section and the symmetrical layout is designed to be straightforward and fairly easy to understand. With each playthrough, you will be able to try out different champions that utilize the Lane/Boss Killer CFs to overcome the lane or boss challenge. Below is the map layout and a summary of each section as well as some key information about them:

Map 8 Layout:

Map 8 Link Node Map:

Cross-Fight Buffs
Utilize the benefits of 2 new buff types: Lane Killer & Boss Killer Cross-Fights (CFs) to help you overcome Map 8’s challenges as well as multiple Final Bosses. See below for more details:
  • Lane Killer Cross-Fights: These CFs are found on the first fight for each lane identity set up as a Local node. These CFs grant the Champion specific abilities to help overcome the challenge of the lane they are tasked with. They give the champion special abilities that can be used in future fights they are brought into. Any champion brought into a fight where the CF is found will benefit from its abilities, champions that defeat the node will gain the CF for fights thereafter.

  • Boss Killer Cross-Fights: These CFs are found close to Mini/Finals bosses and set up as a Local node. These CFs grant the champion a stronger effect than Lane Killer CF and are designed to help defeat Mini/Final Bosses but can be used for any fight you decide to use them in. You will not get to utilize the effect of the CF during the fight where it is obtained, champions that defeat the node will gain the CF for the next fight that champion is brought into.

  • Cross-Fight Abilities vs Effects: These CFs as a whole grant the player an ability. These abilities cause different Effects in-game. Any effect that is a result of one of these CF abilities will not carry over between fights. This can include Immunities, Charges of any kind, Buffs gained while in a fight, or any other effect that a CF grants to the player while in a fight.
Boss Killer CFs & Mini/Final Bosses
Map 8 has new and stronger threats than seen before. Not only are the lanes harder there are more difficult bosses for you to test your rosters against. With the added challenge we’ve decided to give you powers to help you defeat these challenges. Boss Killer CFs provide bonuses to Attack or Power through performing specific actions during the fight. Only a few chosen champions will gain these effects so pick carefully. We know that most alliances have Boss Killer players so we wanted to compliment that playstyle or offer the flexibility for other players to take a crack at our bosses with added bonuses. Each section has different ratios for Boss Killer CFs to bosses as outlined below:
  • Section 1
    - 3 Boss Killer CFs - 1 Mini-Boss (3-1 Ratio)
  • Section 2
    - 2 Boss Killer CFs - 1 Mini-Boss (2-1 Ratio)
  • Section 3
    - 3 Boss Killer CFs - 2 Final-Bosses (3-2 Ratio)
Boss Killer Cross-Fights
  • Overpower (Section 1 - 3 buffs placed)
    - Boss Killer Cross-Fight: Each time the Defender fills a Bar of Power the Attacker gains a Passive Energize, increasing their Combat Power Rate by 100% for 7 seconds. The effects of this node occur in the next 1 Fight(s) but not this current fight.

  • Overwhelm (Section 2 - 2 buffs placed)
    - Boss Killer Cross-Fight: Striking the Defender or hitting their Block builds the Attacker's the Overwhelm Meter by +1. Blocking, Dashing backward or standing sill reduces the Meter by 1. If the Meter reaches +15 stacks, the Attacker gains a Passive Fury granting 300% Attack for 8 seconds. While this Fury is active the Meter cannot be charged, and after the Fury expires, the Meter is reset. The effects of this node occur in the next 1 Fight(s) but not this current fight.

  • Overthrow (Unblockable) (Section 3 - 3 buffs placed)
    - Boss Killer Cross-Fight: Each Bar of Power spent by the Attacker grants +1 Overthrow charge up to a max of 6. Each time a charge is gained the Attacker becomes Passively Unblockable for 2 seconds per charge, paused during their Special Attacks. When reaching 6 charges, the Attacker gains a Passive Fury, increasing Attack Rating by +300% for the duration of the Unblockable effect, when this Fury expires all Overthrow charges are removed. The effects of this node occur in the next 1 Fight(s) but not this current fight.
Lane Killer CFs, Lane Identities, & Encounters
Map 8 has a variety of Lane identities with difficult buff combinations for players to overcome. As noted above players will pick up Lane Killer CFs that will help them bypass specific obstacles a lane may have. Lane identities will provide combinations of challenges that may require RPG aspects or purely skill-based actions or both. The CFs will provide a key to one of the challenges of the lane.

Lane Killer Cross-Fights
  • Visionary
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Each time the Attacker Purifies a Debuff they gain a Steadfast Charge, these charges let the Attacker block Unblockable and Heavy Attacks at the cost of 1 charge each. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Sufferance
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Striking the Defender while they are performing a Heavy Attack inflicts them with a Sufferance Passive for 10 seconds. Damaging Debuffs applied to the Defender while under the effects of Sufferance have +50% increased duration. The abilities of this node can be used for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Kinetic Shielding
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Dodging the Defender grants 1 Shield Charge. Intercepting the Defender grants 2 Shield Charges. Once the Attacker reaches 4 Shield Charges they convert into a Kinetic Shield Passive that grants 100% Perfect Block chance for 7 seconds. While the Kinetic Shield is active no Shield Charges can be gained. The abilities of this node can be used for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Missing Fixations
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: The Attacker builds Focus by Dashing back and holding Block. Any Focus built cannot be lost. Once the Attacker has maintained 15 seconds of Focus they become Fixated for 10 seconds, giving the Defender's Unblockable Attacks a 100% chance to Miss. Focus is gained 3 times faster while the Defender is Unblockable. No Focus can be gained while Fixated. The abilities of this node can be used for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Shocking Defense
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: While the Defender is suffering from a Shock the Attacker becomes Stun Immune. The abilities of this node can be used for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Frustratingly Furious
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Each time the Defender is immune to Nullify the Attacker gains a Frustration Passive. Upon reaching 5 Frustration Passives the Attacker becomes Furious for 10 seconds. If the Attacker is Furious and the Defender has a Buff, each hit of the Attackers Special Attacks deals a burst of Energy Damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Specially Different
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Each time the Attacker uses a different Special Attack than the last one used, they gain an indefinite Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 20%. Max Stacks 5. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Unyielding Punishment
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: The Attackers Well-Timed Blocks inflict a Debilitate Charge, each increasing the duration of the next Bleed, Poison, Incinerate, Coldsnap or Armor break Debuff inflicted onto the Defender by 50%. Max stacks 3. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Energy Displacement
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Well Timed Blocks inflict a Displacement Passive on the Opponent for 10 seconds. While active, each time the Attacker inflicts a Power Lock, Power Drain, or Power Burn effect the Attacker gains a Power Gain Buff, granting 20% of max Power over 4 seconds. Max 1 Stack. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Miss-Communications
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Performing a Well-Timed Block grants the Attacker a Passive Vigilance Charge. Intercepting the Defender grants 2 charges. Vigilance Charges prevent the Attacker from Missing, when this occurs a charge is removed. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Getting Buff
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: During the Attacker's Special Attacks, any Buff they gain or Debuff they inflict lasts 40% longer. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Both Eyes On You
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: The Attacker gains access to 2 modes.\n1. Become Passively Indestructible for 0.80 seconds while attacking.\n2. Regenerate 70% of Blocked damage.\nKnocking down the Defender switches the active mode. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Distracted
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: The Attacker's Special Attacks are Passively Unblockable while the Defender is suffering from at least 2 unique Debuffs. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Interception
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: Each time an Attacking #Robot lands an Intercept, they gain a Fury Passive granting 100% Attack, and remove all Unstoppable effects on the Defender. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Dynamunity
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: The first Stun, Bleed, Poison, Shock, Incinerate, Coldsnap, or Rupture Debuff inflicted onto the Attacker grants them immunity to that effect for 10 seconds. Only one of these Immunities can be gained at a time and must expire before it can be retriggered. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Small and Largest
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: When a #Size: XL or #Size: S Attacker would Glance, they instead gain a non-stacking Bypass Charge, allowing them to ignore Glancing for 10 second(s). Additionally, Bypass Charges grant +100% base Attack Rating to #Size: XL Champions, and grant Stun Immunity to #Size: S Champions while they're Blocking. When Bypass expires, there is a 10 second cooldown before it can be activated again. The effects of this node lasts for this fight and the next 3 Fights.

  • Show Stopper
    - Lane Killer Cross-Fight: The Attacker's Well-Timed Blocks remove all the Defender's Unstoppable effects. When this happens the Attacker gains a Passive Fury granting 40% Attack for 7 second(s). Max Stacks 1. While this Fury is active additional Unstoppable Effects cannot be removed this way. The abilities of this node can be used for this fight and the next 3 Fights.
Shared Path Identities
Shared Path identities are any paths that multiple lanes that intersect into our out of. Each direction that a player will choose to go for Map 8 will lead to a different Shared Path Identity. Shared Path Identities have less of a requirement to overcome the challenge and will provide more of a Raw challenge than lane Identities which usually require more of an RPG-specific challenge. Below is a breakdown of Shared paths for each section:
  • Section 1
    - 3 Directions to choose from.
    - 3 Different Shared Path Identities.
  • Section 2
    - 2 Directions to choose from.
    - 2 Different Shared Path Identities.
  • Section 3
    - 2 Directions to choose from.
    - 2 Different Shared Path Identities.
Example of Directions & Shared paths for Section 1, Lanes 1 & 2.

Repeated Lane Identities
As shown in the map layout below in each section you will encounter Shared Path Identities and Lane Identities. Lane identities are be repeated in different sections but not always in the same order. There will only ever be two different lane-specific Identities for you to cater your roster towards. This is designed so the player will make 2 specific roster selections catered towards a lane-specific challenge. This leaves the player the choice to bring in their last remaining Flex Champion to deal with any of the following:
  • A counter for a Mini/Final boss.
  • An extra counter for one of their Lane identities.
  • A counter to deal with one of their Shared Path Identities.
Example of how Lane 1 repeats its lane buffs. Section 1 & 3 have the same buffs (But has different champions on each of the nodes) and Section 2 has a different lane Identity.
Note: Shared Path Identities can intersect into or out of Lane Identities in each section.

The New Set of Themed Global Buffs for all Maps
You the players seemed to like the Mutant Themed buffs so we decided to create more but this time focusing on Science Class champions along with Spider-Verse-themed champions including the #Spider-Verse Heroes, #Symbiotes, or #Sinister Six tags. Below is a full list of the new buffs with a bonus champion-specific buff for you to figure out which champion its for.
  • Radiant Exposure
    Based on the number of #Spider-Verse Heroes, #Symbiotes, or #Sinister Six tagged champions on your team, Attacking champions who also have these tags gain the following benefits when the opponent is knocked down. These effects all last for 10 seconds for each champions with these tags on your team:
    - 1 tagged champion: Gain a Vigilance Passive.
    - 2 tagged champions: Gain a True Accuracy Passive.
    - 3 tagged champions: Block Unblockable Special Attacks.

  • Radiant Combustion
    All #Spider-Verse Heroes, #Symbiotes, or #Sinister Six tagged Attackers gain a 100% chance to gain a 1 second Unblockable Passive when launching a Special Attack. If this champions Special Attack Breaks the opponents Block gain a Passive Fury granting +1500 Attack for 10 seconds.

  • Scientific Prevention
    Cross-Fight: When an attacking Science champion on your team is affected by a: Bleed, Poison, Shock, Incinerate, Coldsnap Debuff for 5 seconds total in a fight they Purify all of that type of Debuff, and reduce the potency of any future Debuffs of that type by 100%. This Champion has this effect for their next 3 fights.

  • Scientific Combustion
    Cross-Fight: Entering into a fight with any Science champion without a Combustion Passive, grants them 3 which are Persistant throughout the quest. Each Combustion Passive grants the Attacker +20% Ability Accuracy and +30% Prowess. At the end of every fight, regardless of result, remove 1 Combustion Passive from the Attacker.

  • Scientific Escapade
    For each Science champion brought on your team, up to 3, each of your Science champions gains the following abilities:\n1 champion: Your Offensive Combat Power Rate is increased by 5% per Science champion.\n2 champions: Each time the Attacker fills a Bar of Power generate a Passive Prowess increasing the Special Attack damage by 15% and stacking up to 2 times per Science champion on your team.\n3 champions: Special Attacks become Unblockable at 5+ Prowess effects. Additionally for each stack of Prowess increase, Attack Rating during Special attacks by 10%.

  • Say Uncle
    A certain nephew starts the fight with a Passive Fury increasing Attack Rating by +200%.
Post edited by Kabam Boo on


  • Kabam BooKabam Boo Member Posts: 840 ★★★★★
    edited October 2021
    Repurposed Mini & Final Bosses from Previous Seasons
    Our focus this season was to create Map 8 and with that, we weren’t able to create a brand new set of Final/mini-Bosses for our other maps. We did however want to change up what you are seeing so we decided to repurpose bosses from previous seasons to keep things fresh. Below is the list of bosses for each map:

    Map 1
    • Var 1/2/3: Mini-Boss: Guillotine
      - 50% Iso-Infused
      - Armor (20%)

    • Final Boss: Thanos (Nameless)
      - 100% Champion Boost
    Map 2
    • Var 1 - Mini-Boss: Hela
      - 125% ISO-Infused
      - Death's Embrace
      - Bane of Damballah (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 2 - Mini-Boss: Beast
      - 125% ISO-Infused
      - Physical Resistance (20%)
      - PULL! (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 3 - Mini-Boss: Old-Man Logan
      - 125% ISO-Infused
      - Recovery
      - Enhanced Bleed (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss: Thanos (Nameless)
      - 300% Champion
    Map 3
    • Var 1 - Mini-Boss: Squirrel Girl
      - 150% Champion Boost
      - 200% Attack
      - Sadist - 1
      - Soft Guard - 1 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 2 - Mini-Boss: Proxima Midnight
      - 150% Champion Boost
      - 200% Health
      - Special 2 Bias
      - Stupefy (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 3 - Mini-Boss: King Groot
      - 150% Champion Boost
      - 200% Health
      - Enhanced Special 1
      - Fury (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss: Thanos (Nameless)
      - 400% Champion Boost
      - Special Burst Lock Down - 1
    Map 4
    • Var 1 - Mini-Boss: Corvus Glaive
      - 150% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Special 2 Bias
      - Ionized Armor - 1
      - Strike Back (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 2 - Mini-Boss: Silver Surfer
      - 150% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Rich get Richer - 2
      - Personal Space
      - Buff Duration - 3 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 3 - Mini-Boss: Nebula
      - 150% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Limber (10%)
      - Defensive
      - Empowered Immunity (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss: Thanos (Nameless)
      - Warning
      - 400% Champion Boost
      - 100% Health
      - Heal Block - Passive
      - Unblockable (Defender Specials Only)
    Map 5
    • Var 1 - Mini-Boss: Guillotine 2099
      - 200% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health Boost
      - Combo Up - 3 (Tuned down for 1st section)
      - Combo Shield
      - Soft Guard - 2 (Tuned down for 1st section)

    • Var 2 - Mini-Boss: Human Torch
      - 200% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health Boost
      - Spontaneous Combustion
      - Immunity (Bleed)
      - Buffet - 3 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 3 - Mini-Boss: Morningstar
      - 200% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health Boost
      - Oppressive Curse
      - Heavy-Hitter
      - Improved Power Gain - 100% (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss: Thanos (Nameless)
      - Warning
      - 425% Champion Boost
      - 100% Health
      - Unblockable (Defender Specials only)
      - Heal Block - Passive
      - Aspect of Evolution
    Map 6
    • Var 1 - Mini-Boss: Invisible Woman
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Power Focus 1
      - Tenacity - 2 (Tuned down for 1st section)
      - Forced Field (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 2 - Mini-Boss: Ebony Maw
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Faltering Mind
      - Prey on the Weak - 5 (Tuned down for 1st section)
      - Shatter - 2 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 3 - Mini-Boss: Vision Aarkus
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Personal Space
      - Aspect of Genesis
      - Arc Overload 2.0 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss: Spider-Man 2099
      - Warning
      - 500% Champion Boost
      - 200% Health
      - Ticking Time Bomb - 3
      - Kinetic Transference - 2
      - Evasive Maneuvers - 3
    Map 7
    • Var 1 - Mini-Boss: Annihilius
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Aggression: Armor
      - Sadist - 3 (Tuned down for 1st section)
      - Soft Guard - 2 (Tuned down for 1st section)
      - Opportunist - 1 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 2 - Mini-Boss: Sasquatch
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 200% Health (Was 300%)
      - Power Snack 1
      - Unblockable (Defender Specials Only)
      - Backup Recovery - 1 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Var 3 - Mini-Boss: Magneto (House of X)
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Power Struggle
      - True Strike
      - Power Snack 2
      - Mighty Charge - 1 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss: Peni Parker
      - 500% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Make A Stand - 1
      - Conflictor - 2
      - Enhanced Special 1
      - Heavy Assault
    Map 8
    Note: All 3 Variations have the same Final/Mini-Bosses
    • Var 1/2/3 Mini-Boss: Nimrod
      - 300% Champion Boost
      - 400% Health
      - Personal Space
      - Bubble Shield - 3 (Tuned down for 1st section)
      - Use It Or Lose It - 1 (Cut from 1st section)

    • Final Boss #1: Spider-Man 2099
      - 500% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Ticking Time Bomb - 3
      - Kinetic Transference - 2
      - Evasive Maneuvers - 3
      - Mercy
    • Final Boss #2: Peni Parker
      - 500% Champion Boost
      - 300% Health
      - Make A Stand - 1
      - Conflictor - 2
      - Enhanced Special 1
      - Heavy Assault
    Map Entry Costs
    With Season 9 we have decided to add back in map costs. We have decided to shift the map costs up with the release of Map 8 so map 6 will no longer have them. Map costs for each player and totals are shown below.

    Totals shown per Battlegroup, per day:
    • Map 6 = 0
    • Map 7 = 150
    • Map 8 = 300 (150 tickets, per Player, per week)
    Post edited by Kabam Boo on
  • Kabam BooKabam Boo Member Posts: 840 ★★★★★
    PDF of Maps for your reference.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Summoners! We've built a Google Sheet with all of the info that you need for Map 8! Check it out here:

    NOTE: You will need a Google Account to view this Sheet, and can make a copy of the Doc to make edits of your own.
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