See here’s the issue with this particular statement

Some of us would’ve loved to make our alliance switches (as was stated) however with the rewards being pushed beyond the alliance gifting join cut off we no longer can, so if anyone has any dead weight they need to remove from their alliances it’s going to be a real challenge to find a replacement since very few people worth anything are gonna budge because they all want a piece of that juicy alliance gifting milestone/event pie. So in the end you’re basically stuck with said dead weight for what could very well be another season depending on how long gifting runs/rewards are distributed/when next season starts
If the Alliance Season had continued and ended as planned, it would have followed this same schedule. Players were aware of this before the season had to be ended abruptly. We've explained how moving Alliances will affect you and your ability to receive points for the gifting event here:
If rewards aren’t given out tomorrow then it is NOT following the original timetable and thus making things more difficult for the community. @Kabam Miike
We shouldn’t expect rewards sooner than expected. I admit, I have been impatient, but we must understand all the work that is going on behind the scenes. Do players want rewards? Yes, but should Kabam divert all of their efforts and staff to the rewards and away from other important matters? No. I apologies on behalf of the player base Kabam. We are an impatient group for sure.
The whole world sees that disagree you put on miike
2. I should’ve worded that better. I’m referring to that time gap players are referring to when it comes to getting the AW season rewards and moving to other alliances before Gifting Event starts up.
-If any of that time is lost due to this issue/fix…wouldn’t it make sense to add time on the back end of the event in proportion to that time lost?
-If no time is lost, then no need to change a thing
It's been explained by Miike and Boo what process they are going through to ensure the scores are CORRECT. It takes time to calculate the points and war ratings for ALL the participating alliances.
The question remains, because you didn't answer it, if war season wasn't cancelled, what would you be doing right now? You'd still have to wait until tomorrow or later, so what difference is there? Y'all constantly rag on Kabam for things are completely your own doing because you're making up crazy scenarios in your head. It's mind boggling how poorly you treat the MODS and the company for your own misconceptions.
“Tommorow or later”. There is no later , its only tommorow, the day the rewards after season is delivered as normal. Everything before that is earlier, so kabam favour us, everything after that is later so kabams fault. Facts are facts
This whole thread is completely moot.
How do 6*'s expire?
Yeah this is the big question in my opinion. Why even make it so there's an overlap between when people switch alliances between AW seasons (which happens every season proven by the flood of recruitments posts on the forums each time) and when you need to be in an alliance for gifting. Kabma Miike putting this clearly in the statement: "To have an uninterrupted Gifting experience, you should be in an Alliance that you intend to stay in before December 6th.", knowing that it won't be possible because of the AW cycle just seems like huge oversight, or they're just fine with a lot of summoners not being able to have an interrupted gifting experience?
Be mad at the people that caused Kabam to go to these lengths and restrictions just to have a gifting event. It's the pathetic cheaters and exploiters that got us here