A Brand New Marvel Contest of Champions Website is coming your Way!

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 630
Greetings Summoners!

Just in time for our 7th Anniversary, the Marvel Contest of Champions website is getting a brand new look and will be easier than ever to navigate and find the information that you’re looking for!

When the website launches later today, you can look forward to:
  • A brand new design and much-improved navigation
  • A much more responsive Mobile version of the site
  • New page layouts to improve readability
  • A whole new Champion Spotlight Page, which includes Champion Searches and Filtering by Class (note: This is Phase 1 of our filtering and searching update, so you will need to use the Champion’s exact name at this time to find who you are looking for)
  • Champion Spotlights for legacy Champions that did not have one, with Community Notes and Insights from members of the MCOC Community
For this update, the site may be unavailable for a short period of time later today. When the site is live, if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please report them in the Bugs and Known issues section of the Forums.

This is just the start of our improvements to the Marvel Contest of Champions web redesign, with plenty more to come! Is there anything you’d like to see included in our new site? Let us know!
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