Input System Update - January 2022: Progress Report
Administrator, Admin [en] Administrator › Posts: 625
Greetings Summoners!
It’s been a while since we’ve talked about the progress that we’ve made in our quest to create a whole new input system for MCoC. We understand that from the outside, it might seem like there hasn’t been any progress made because there haven’t been any incremental changes, but behind the scenes, there’s been some major breakthroughs and steps forward.
As we get closer to the release of this Input Refactor, we want to start sharing more progress reports, even though they may be more on the technical side.
The team is continuing to make great progress towards resolving the input issues in the game and we are excited to let you know that as of the end of 2021, our QA teams have been testing this new Input System, and have found the controls to be more consistent, and feeling like what players were used to before.
We’re very happy with the early results, and are looking forward to moving on to the next step, a split test in March (v34.0)!
In v34.0 we are going to be testing the input fix via an opt in/out system within the games settings menu. A random grouping of Summoners will be given the option to opt in to the test where we will be able to collect some basic data and feedback on how the fix is behaving in a live environment.
If the initial results are good, we aim to get this out to even more summoners in an update shortly after.
If this is successful, and we find that this is an improvement to the current control issues, we will be moving to release the fix as soon as possible.
As we work to implement this fix for everyone, we are aware that there may be some edge cases or issues that will need to be addressed and we are committed to fixing those as quickly as possible when they arise. While we do not want any issues to affect the release timeline, there may be some that require more attention that could push the full release a little further.
Additionally, other new unintended interactions may arise that some players may actually like. We are open to having a conversation about those cases when they come up but may have to fix them for the greater health of the game. Cases like this are similar to re-parry, which was never an intended mechanic but became useful to players so we worked to keep it in the game.
That's all for today Summoners, but we will be sharing more information with you as we move closer to release.
Thank you for your time, and see you in The Battlerealm!