That's REALLY vague. Did you change masteries? Did you stop running some synergies? Do you have any evidence? Does the node/lane/champion reduce your damage?
I've noticed the same. I haven't changed any mysteries and run the same team in AQ as I always have. My corvus damage has been reduced. With 1 amour break and 4 charges his crit hits were 13k on a medium. Now they are about 8k
I went from finishing fights in 10-12 hits down now to 15-20 hits. That's at 4 persistent charges. Even without them a 6 star r3 corvus running suicides should crush map 5 AQ in less than 20 hits.
Hey there, in addition to the information other players have asked about (which would also be useful) do you happen to have any footage of this? Or would you be able to tell us if you've seen his happen anywhere consistently, against particular opponents, or if any nodes were active at the time?
I actually happen to have an old video in my phone of corvus damage in AQ with 3 charges from last December. I'll wait until AQ starts again to try to recreate same thing. I have been with same ally for 2 years. Never use synergy teams in AQ.No mastery change. Can't remember what day of AQ Blbut here are pics of it. Just happened to have the vid
I just posted same complaint in my allnc gen chat. I hv seen my CGlv's performance as 5* and 6* on all 3 of my accounts as sub-par compared to about 1 month ago. No mastery changes and he is on 1st string in 2 accts. Feels like a 20% drop in both attk and def. Sabretooth pummeled him ... CGlv could not hold blocks. Domino came in and finished S off handily. I figured Kbm nerfed CGlv again.
How do you know for sure. In several chats I’m in I’ve seen random people mention this. I didn’t pay any mind to it, but who knows.
He's one a the most popular champs in the game as well as a widely used one. If there was any nerf, we would have heard from way more than who is in this thread.
Not only that, you don't have the same reports. It's the few things posted in this thread is extremely limited. All OP gave was some screenshots from who knows when and not from the same fights. I bet none of the people you're in chats with showed any evidence and if they really thought there is a silent nerf, why aren't they here reporting it or submitting tickets?
They also don't silently nerf champs except Bishop when he was buffed.
The most likely scenario is that maybe there's a bug. My Rank 3 CG is just fine. No difference.
Not only that, you don't have the same reports. It's the few things posted in this thread is extremely limited. All OP gave was some screenshots from who knows when and not from the same fights. I bet none of the people you're in chats with showed any evidence and if they really thought there is a silent nerf, why aren't they here reporting it or submitting tickets?
They also don't silently nerf champs except Bishop when he was buffed.
The most likely scenario is that maybe there's a bug. My Rank 3 CG is just fine. No difference.
My r4 corvus still wrecks everything.