Man-Thing: Nullify not creating Pustules?


I was just wondering if anyone knew about if the change to Man-Thing was intentional or not? His abilities still say that when he nullifies a buff, he creates a toxic pustule. That no longer seems to be the case. I've tried this against many defenders that create active buffs to be nullified.

Does anyone have any answers for this? is there a way I can contact Kabam and bring this issue up? They're always quick to find the bugs that help the community, but lax on the ones that hurt us.


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  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    I can fight any person who receives a buff. I usually assumed it had something to do with a node or a buff, but it happens everywhere, even in training. Initially I thought it had to do with a node, but then I fought Cull Obsidian in the arena, and realized that my sp2 was doing both nullifying and removing his combo. Yet NONE of the nullified buffs turned into pustules.

    I've tried it against a few cosmics that gain a lot or have a good number of active buffs, and still no pustules. Special 2 is supposed to grant me a good number of poisons and armor breaks. But instead, I now only receive one of each due to the pustule I receive from the special itself.

    I implore other people to try this with man-thing themselves. Let me know if this is a thing with you as well. Because of this, Man-Thing has dropped from being one of my main champs to a second or third choice mystic.
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    So I just fought Odin in the Event Quest (Master), and Nothing.

    No, the buffs didn't expire, they were nullified. and no pustules
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Do you happen to have any footage of what you're seeing exactly?
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    I Don't know how guys put video onto the forum. What's the best way?
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★
    Upload to YouTube then post link here
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    They won't allow mp4 format. Is there a video format that is acceptable?
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63

  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    I will try to get a screenshot of an SP2 not giving pustules as well
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★

    They won't allow mp4 format. Is there a video format that is acceptable?

    Post it on Youtube then share the Youtube link here
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, as some have mentioned, you can post it to a site like youtube or something similar and then share the link to the vide here or in a direct message to me.
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63

    let me know if this works. If it does, I will work on other videos for you, so that this situation can be rectified
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    In this video, I fight Doctor Strange who gets buffs regularly. I nullify both buffs, and no pustules. Also note when I perform my Special 2, the poison and armor break come from the Pustule that is created from the SP2, and not from any other buff that is nullified.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    Man-Thing's Toxic Pustules - Buff states:

    "Any Buff other than a Toxic Pustule Nullified on the Opponent has a 100% chance to become a Toxic Pustule lasting for 15 seconds."

    100% chance means it will trigger 100% of the time. But, ability accuracy can be reduced depending on nodes, masteries, etc. Were there any nodes on these fights from your videos?
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Would you be able to tell us where these fights took place or what nodes were active at the time? This can help us to replicate the circumstances more exactly.
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2022
    Sure. The Doctor Strange fight and Drax fight were both part of the Safe Haven Event quest, chapter 3 part 1. This was in Master (I need T4 catalyst BAD. Don't judge me...), And I don't believe there were any nodes that prevented this. I will probably do an Incursion as well to show any differences.

    Edit: The node is just a basic boost of +50% attack and health (Iso-infused)
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2022

    Man-Thing in the 'All my Iron Men' side event. the nodes don't affect ability accuracy, so any buffs that he nullifies should turn into toxic pustules

    last one
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    I recently fought MT in incursions and eq and I noticed this too. I was rarely poisoned even when my buffs were nullified.
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    Interesting. So it happens to the A.I. as well. Hopefully the higher ups have an answer for this.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Thanks for confirming where the fights took place! Passed the rest of the info along to the team so they can reproduce the circumstances more exactly.
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63

    Did you get any feedback from the development/response team??

    As of now, I can only use him as a defender. I can't use him as an attacker because I can't get the full potential of his abilities anymore. I can't use him to nullify buffs because they don't do everything that they are supposed to. That makes him not as useful in Quests and war.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Yep, the team has a fix lined up for the next update that should take care of this.
  • KapKamot3KapKamot3 Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2022
    I can confirm this issue as well. Came across it while on practice mode with man thing. No toxic pustules when he nullifies. Thanks @Kabam Zibiit
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    So when is the next update perchance?

    I was thinking that the next update was when they brought out the latest event quest, but I guess that isn't the case. Anyway, I am glad that you are looking into this. I look forward to the fix.

    Yep, the team has a fix lined up for the next update that should take care of this.

  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63

    After trying him out again against Howard the Duck, it clearly still isn't working.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033


    After trying him out again against Howard the Duck, it clearly still isn't working.

    Could you tell us who you were fighting, what mode this was in, and what nodes were present? The team had put out a fix for this already that had seemed to be working after it went live.
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    I will post another video of it when I can. thank you.

    It was alliance quest. Man-thing v. Howard the Duck. I didn't get pustules for negating Furies and Armor Ups
  • KrazyKilroyKrazyKilroy Member Posts: 63
    This is a new video against Icaris in the new side quest. I chose him because he gains a lot of buffs. notice here how when I use my SP2, his energize buffs go down, yet I still do not gain any more pustules at the time. and the poison and armor break doesn't go past one each. Before he was kvetched, there would have been at least 3 poisons and 3 armor breaks. If I am missing something here, please let me know
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★

    This is a new video against Icaris in the new side quest. I chose him because he gains a lot of buffs. notice here how when I use my SP2, his energize buffs go down, yet I still do not gain any more pustules at the time. and the poison and armor break doesn't go past one each. Before he was kvetched, there would have been at least 3 poisons and 3 armor breaks. If I am missing something here, please let me know

    Your video is private btw. We can't see it
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