Cavalier quest node ARMOR ERASURE in chap 1.2 doesn't work properly

Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
edited March 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
I read the node and went in with claire as a mystic and cgr as an attacker with the required tag. When I earned furies with cgr, they stayed as cross fight abilities as written in the node. With claire, that's not the case. I gained 6-7 furies in her fights, but there was no cross fight on her.


  • Robbo9Robbo9 Member Posts: 51
    Yep, same with cosmic attackers in 2.2. They’re active during the fight as you say so it’s not a text error in the node but they don’t carry between fights.
  • RookM1RookM1 Member Posts: 55
    Same here, the cross fight boosts aren’t working.
  • Danemo666Danemo666 Member Posts: 169 ★★
    Cross fight only carries over with the tagged champs
    Not the class ones (unless they so happen to be tagged also)

    The mystic one for example will only work for #dimensional being, #illuminati & #thanos army
    The cross fight will carry over for these.
    Any other mystic class will only apply for your current fight
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    Danemo666 said:

    Cross fight only carries over with the tagged champs
    Not the class ones (unless they so happen to be tagged also)

    The mystic one for example will only work for #dimensional being, #illuminati & #thanos army
    The cross fight will carry over for these.
    Any other mystic class will only apply for your current fight

    that's not what the node says. Besides, I'm exploring 3.1 and the tag is spiderverse heroes, sinister six and symbiote. Well fine then why am I not getting crossfight furies when I'm using venom and spiderman 2099?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit can anybody check on this issue? The new cav nodes are not working as intended
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited March 2022
    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    I already said this in the post about the new nodes, but the node in game doesn't state this. It states that if you use that class or the tagged champs then you get crossfight furies
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Amms90 said:

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    I already said this in the post about the new nodes, but the node in game doesn't state this. It states that if you use that class or the tagged champs then you get crossfight furies
    You get those charges true. But read the global . It says only tagtical champs carry over the fights
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,163 ★★★★
    There was another thread on this in the general category that has since been closed. I tried linking to that thread where numerous people were experiencing the same issue.

    Bottom line, the cross-fights are bugged. Sometimes they work, more often than not, they don't. And before any one jumps on me about tags, I made sure I had the right one when I experienced it.

    Mephisto (dimensional being), Maw (Thanos Army), Purgatory (dimensional being), and Dr. Strange (Illuminati) in 1.2.

    In 3.1, I used S2099 (Spiderverse), Miles Morales (Spiderverse), Penny Parker (Spiderverse), Red Goblin (Symbiote), Mysterio (Sinister Six).

    I used the same champs the whole way through exploration of each individual quest, so it's not like this was some niche interaction between characters.

    It just doesn't work properly and it's being ignored.
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    Amms90 said:

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    I already said this in the post about the new nodes, but the node in game doesn't state this. It states that if you use that class or the tagged champs then you get crossfight furies
    You get those charges true. But read the global . It says only tagtical champs carry over the fights
    Where does it say this? It says both the required class and tagged champs get cross fights in the node...

  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    Amms90 said:

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    I already said this in the post about the new nodes, but the node in game doesn't state this. It states that if you use that class or the tagged champs then you get crossfight furies
    You get those charges true. But read the global . It says only tagtical champs carry over the fights
    Ah it's true that the global says the tagged champs get cross fight furies. I have to say I've never been this confused with nodes... My bad that I missed this but it really is confusing. Besides, like someone else pointed out, there are some paths where you just don't get the criss fight furies even when you used the required tag champs. I used venom on beast and stark spidey in 3.1 and got no charges. But I got them on psychoman with venom in the same chapter on a different path
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    Amms90 said:

    Amms90 said:

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    I already said this in the post about the new nodes, but the node in game doesn't state this. It states that if you use that class or the tagged champs then you get crossfight furies
    You get those charges true. But read the global . It says only tagtical champs carry over the fights
    Ah it's true that the global says the tagged champs get cross fight furies. I have to say I've never been this confused with nodes... My bad that I missed this but it really is confusing. Besides, like someone else pointed out, there are some paths where you just don't get the criss fight furies even when you used the required tag champs. I used venom on beast and stark spidey in 3.1 and got no charges. But I got them on psychoman with venom in the same chapter on a different path

  • Robbo9Robbo9 Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2022

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    I’ve just finished the path in 1.2 that starts with doc ock and ends with venom. I used corvus, cull and maw. Gained the charges during the fight. The global tag is for thanos army. None got cross fights after. It’s bugged.
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★

    Cross Fight charges only carry over for champions with TAGtical edge. Champions of the associated Class can make use of the Charges in the Fight they gain them, but cannot carry them forward.

    It's still bugged though because sometimes the charges are carrying over and sometimes they aren't for champs that do have the Tags.
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